
Jul 24, 2009 18:28

So allow me to summarize things, and correct me if I am not understanding correctly. This ship and whoever drives it claims to, on occasion, "take on water", si? However, it is as my Warden states -- "metaphorical water". Instead of water coming into the ship, things that people are afraid of only appear, and only when they are alone in their rooms.

If I read English as well as I like to think that I do, while this ship has "taken on water" before, it has not done so with these specific effects. What causes these differences? Is it truly from something from the outside or is the voice that tells us that it is water when it is almost never water creating these effects by himself?

[Private to Angel]

The effects have passed. When would you care to meet?

your barge is full of crap, angel, we are not amused, double-talk

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