
Jul 13, 2009 18:32

How do I contact the Admiral?

There are belongings of mine missing from this room, and I want them returned.

[Added later]

And may I speak to someone who is not the screeching primate woman?

[Added after his conversation with Silhouette]

I am also growing weary of the constant harassment I have been receiving. Am I wrong in thinking that I have been informed that the Wardens here have set among themselves a code of conduct? So why are there some in your ranks that cannot conduct themselves in a respectable manner? Since coming here, I have caused no trouble, done as I have been asked to do, and I am completely undeserving of the treatment I have received. I demand something be done about it.

vidal is so totally pc, going to make you regret this later, your barge is full of crap, girls suck, we are not amused, silhouette

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