Definitely getting more confident with the whole LJ thing. I wasn't going to make any posts in here except for fics, and then I realised that a lot of the time the people that I've friended are people whose posts are interesting in and of themselves, regardless of whether they contain fic or not. So I thought I'd get into the habit of doing the same, even if it feels totally weird, because I could be talking to a large group of lurkers, or just...myself.
Hello, me.
I am, of course, making a rather large assumption that these little insignificant posts will mean anything to anybody ever, but hey. They can be done for peace of mind. (And practise with all the lj cuts and tags and whatnot, because if I get stuff wrong here, it's not the end of the world.)
I went on a friending frenzy today (alliteration, sweet!). Back when all my journal had in it was its sad little post about nothing, I felt too embarrassed to friend the people that I wanted to keep up with. But now at least it has a teensy bit of Snarry poking its head up (I type, with a completely straight face), I feel more confident. Don't try and find my logic because I'm not sure I know it myself.
It's odd, because something you forget that online authors are just people. You see their names so often and read and worship their fics so often that they become these all powerful, all consuming entities in your mind and to friend one would be inconcievable...
I know. When I don't have problems that I can reach out and touch, I create my own. *sighs* *peers down at keyboard* *picks up small caterpillar from in between "w" and "e" keys*
Evidently, I do have problems I can reach out and touch. Ew, bugs. I am not a bug person. (Do caterpillars count as bugs?)
I ought to go. It's a quarter past three in the morning and I'll regret this post tomorrow, because that's what I do. *sighs*
So long, fare well, and all that.