John and Janie Doe’s Got a Gun: THE END IS NEAR!!

Jul 03, 2008 14:05

This is an article I wrote for

Comrades, normally I would adhere to party doctrine and never succumb to Han Solo's tendency to "have a bad feeling" but out of fear of losing my quarterly toilet paper ration I must report to you all the most grave of news.

Just a week ago today the Supreme Court of the United States, albeit a non-binding part of government according to President Bosh, just ruled in DC v Heller that *gasp* the people have the right to bear AK-47s and M249 squad-automatics! That's a job for the military and law enforcement since they're ordained by the state, not by John Wayne movies!! This is disturbing news comrades; how can the state force work efficiency by making people go to work and pay 80% of their money to charity so Uncle Obama can wear nice boots if the people can resist? How can the safety of criminals be ensured when dastardly things like the Castle Doctrine allows untrained sheep to shoot home intruders who are only trying to redistribute the wealth like Robin Hood only without green tights?

It's been a week since the ruling and it's effects are already being felt. The uneducated in gun crime are putting up signs saying"private property" and "You will be shot and killed." They even try to put confusing letters that I guess is some local law. Privacy is contrary to the common good so if it isn't an open house, I say it should be... their personal art collection would look great in John Edward's fuel-efficient house anyway.

On top of that, people are already questioning the handgun bans in Chicago. How is organized crime supposed to conduct business and maintain order where law enforcement dare not go if the people can defend themselves? Not to mention it means no-knock warrants are considerably more dangerous now that plain-clothes officers have to actually show their badges and identify themselves. How can they operate with so much red tape?! After all, if you have nothing to hide, then you should have no problem letting in the local SWAT team and let them sift through your good China like a bulldozer.

Then there's Kalifornia; our place of refuge and source of wisdom in these dangerous times. We need to keep all firearms with pistol grips,barrel shrouds (whatever those are), bayonet mounts, and chambered in .50BMG outlawed! Just because they only exist in fiction, doesn't mean the civilians should have them! Just look at what these assault weapons can do!!

Just look at this test conducted at the Metreon in San Francisco!! It can clear A WHOLE ROOM WITH ONE SHOT and, as you can tell by the tester's health gauge in the Heads-Up Display, it does not injure the user!! Imagine what emo boy could have done at Virginia Tech with this fictional weapon of mass destruction!!

These are troubling times comrades as the country we know and love to hate is spiraling downwards into a John Wayne movie where the fight scenes goes on forever. The people must not be allowed to arm themselves, even for the sake of defense, for in a perfect world we'll have armed police officers and guardsman on every street corner. It solved the campus crisis of the 1970s and it'll solve our issues of racism, homophobia, and fear or wicker furniture.

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