May 22, 2004 23:23
hi everone!
prom last night was absolutely increadible. actualy - the people were incredible, the music sucked and the presentation was quite decent. THANK YOU SO MUCH TO ANNABELL for coming with me, even though she half killed herself getting into her dress, but oh, my G-d, she was looking the best i have ever seen her. absolutely gorgeous - thank you so much for coming sweets. apparently she had a ball, and realy got along with fred and blondie and franchesca says i should hold on to her, and G-d willing I WILL. when i came home afterwards, i crawled into bed and took whiff and completely damned my sences, but then today realized that my hair smells of aquanet too, so i just had to indulge on that for a bit, and i will continue to after this here post.
oh yeah, and she didnt kill anyone, so that was good.
alon, thank you so much for the use of your boots, i think ill go out and buy my self a pair now, even though they killed my heals, but thats ok.
im only frustrated by the fact that i dont yet know when i will next be able to see annabell, as the only next possible date may well be the 19th of june. i realy want her around for some of the 12th, cuz thats my bday party. oh yeah, gotta call the Suz ill be dragging everyone up there.
time for night night
ketch ya latta