Today has been dramatic...

May 06, 2013 19:09

My little sister is technically my step-sister, figuratively my half sister, legally, my adopted sister. My mom adopted her after a long talk with her. We'll my sister.. Pea. She is 10 years old. My mom and Pea talked for awhile about the potential adoption and Pea said 'Well, you're already basically my mom, I mean, you take care of me!' and that settled it. Now, you may be wondering where Pea's real mom is. Thats where the drama starts. Pea's mom committed suicide when Pea was not quite 3 years old. We won't get into the details of why. Pea's maternal grandmother refuses to accept my mom into Pea's life and causes quite a lot of problems. PEA IS 10 YEARS OLD! She doesn't need that type of drama. I feel like just one time I would love to talk to Pea's grandmother and tell how I see things. I realize it sounds rather harsh and I don't know what I can do about that. But the way I see it.. Pea's mom made that decision. The day she decided to kill herself she also decided she didn't want to be there for Pea. And, whoa! Everything she is missing out on. But, she decided to take herself out of Pea's life. Her decision shouldn't mean that Pea is never allowed to have a mother. She never knew her own mother. And now her grandmother doesn't think she should be able to have a mother at all?! WHAT?? Excuse me for saying so, but I do believe that is bullshit...

step-sister, drama, half sister, sister, blog, family, adopted sister, adopted, suicide

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