May 04, 2013 21:53
I say problematic for specific reasons. We will call him.... Schu (pronounced as shoe or shoooo). Schu is simply the person I talk to about my problems! Hence, problematic. Its a mutual thing though. It seems we only talk when one of us has a problem or is upset about something... It seems we talk about every other day, to be fair, we have a lot of problems between the two of us. He is sweet, understanding, a good listener, and he gives wonderful advice. He is incredibly smart. I love talking to him. He is the best person to talk to. Right now, (as you could tell from my last blog) I'm in an unhappy relationship. Luckily for Schu and me, he is also in an unhappy relationship. It leads to more conversation. Which is always a good thing. Plus we can mutually be there for each other and understand how the other one feels.
Now, the other other reason I say problematic, when we first became friends it was an..odd beginning. We were both hurt by someone and in need of consolation. Yet, it was more than physical. We hung out, had adventures, and explored new places. We were in the same state in the central United States. We saw each other for about 2 weeks. We were both staying at a mutual friend's apartment. When those 2 weeks were over he moved to the east coast and I moved to the west coast. The reason I say this makes him my best "problematic" friend is I find myself having feelings for him. I even kind of love him. Now, now, now, Before you say "oh no! the 'L' word!" I believe there are several different types of love. The love I feel for him is strange to me. I feel lighter when I simply see his face on video chat. I love that feeling. I think so much of him. After we went our own ways and went to our seperate coasts we had a heavy conversation about whether we wanted to continue and pursue our emotions. We decided the effort it would take to maintain a relationship that far away would be very difficult. We decided to be friends and try to keep that up for awhile. It seems to be ok. He is my Favorite Best "Problematic" Friend. :D
best friend