Jun 05, 2006 10:26
give me a guess. he asks if he can call me. tells me to call him. hugs me a millions timesbefore i leave but won't really touch me around my friends other than saying goodbye. he calls me when hes sad. he tries to hang out with me alone now but that never works. hes basically taken me out to eat a couple times. once with his mom. he called me over at 11 in the morning yesterday.when i got there ithink he was on the phone with another girl making plans then on the phone again as i pulled out of his driveway. he demanded a back rub while i was there and we were laying down together. then kevin showed up. then the rest of the night he wouldn't really let me touch him. cuz he told me to call him after i got off work. i left when he didn't answer but he was actually on his way there. so he waited for me to come back but then he was kinda cranky. then he made me and kevin leave his house early and instead of saying "you should call me later "or" i'll call you tomarrow" "he said i'll talk to you later?" (like a question).LATER??? i was getting the feeling that he didn't want me around but then why did he call me back? is he tired of me cuz he called me that morning with plans to hang out all day cuz he didn't know i worked. on the phone he sounded happy to possibly see me. robyn asked me how he and i were doing? kevin and chris asked too? my question is are we? and how did they all find out? i'm starting to worry that there are more girls than just me and robyn. but he was spending all his time with me and talking to me everyday. is he playing me or could this be him trying to get with me again? it is akward still buti think he does want to hang out alone. thats prolly why he wanted me there in the morning this time (on his day off). i'm afraid he can't tell i want to be with him and now hes gonna go somewhere else. ahhh. i wish i could be blunt with him about it. i should have whilei was rubbing his back and noone was around. i hope we hang out again alone so i can... and i can get my backrub! i talked to liz about it and she said not too worry. i was kinda upset and came into work crying. it was weird working with robyn after knowing all the things she was doing. she knew the whole time that htey were broken up. she was also comparing how he and i were to he and cunthole. he was more grown up with me, he had GOALS, he was in school. he also said yesterday that he wnted to smoke weed. i told him no cuz it was bad but he said he thooght it would be fun. i hope he was only trying to start a wrestleing match or something and wasn't seroius. oh and he let me see his phone. ewww and ouch (my heart). then he was looking through the pica again and pressing lots of buttons. if he really cares then he was deleting them. but i have to remeber hes not mine anymore. hes acting so strange. liz thinks hes trying to be with me again. i can understand letting thr cunthole drama blow over but ..... he really needs to just come out and say what he want. to be with me or not. he dumped her b4 summer..... i thoughtt hat was a sign but not enough apparently. i've waited so long and i hope he comes through for me. to long to jsut give up now when there might really be a chance.