Meme in which my music is silly

May 20, 2010 20:26

Stolen from Jinn who stole from Nick:

Role-playing exercise:

1) Get as many of your characters as you like, and put them in a list.

Haitayuu Onnifuji
Kourin Kiseki
Hengenjizai Satoru

2) Put your music player on shuffle, all songs. That's right it's also a MUSIC MEME.

3) As each song comes up, go to the next character on your list, and write either a) A short in-character reaction to it, or b) Simply describe their opinion of the song.

Haitayuu Onnifuji- "Don't Stop Me Now" By Queen
"Wow, it's really upbeat and pumping. I looked up the lyric translations online... and man, this is cool!"

Monica- "Fields of Despair" by Dragonforce
"..Huh. It's certainly... different. I'm not sure if I like this."

Crow- "Nikopol" Gurren Lagann OST
"Now -this- is music, something I can really listen to!"

Kourin Kiseki- "Chicks Dig Giant Robots" by Deathwish IX (AKA: Megas XLR Theme)
"I love the lyrics. It's.. I don't even know how to describe it! It's so cool!"

Hengenjizai Satoru- "Paper Walls" by Yellowcard
"An interesting song and a very deep, profound meaning overlaid an interesting instrument mashup. I might listen to more of this band."
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