haven't updated in forever, orz

Apr 19, 2010 14:29

I'm done with play stuff at last! And I have my computer back! And I'm doing well in school now!

Now if only I didn't have to hand over my phone every night before bed and I got my iTouch back, man I miss my iTouch.

I'm trolling my English teacher, our final project-thing of the year is going to be a persuasive essay, and it's supposed to be 'controversial', which, the way she said it, means politics. Fuck politics. I'mma write my essay on the Animation Age Ghetto(TVTropes is banned at school, or I'd link here), or how anime(and slightly on how animation as a whole) is generally not given the time of day as a legitimate, deep medium like most of us KNOW it is. (If you've cried during an anime, you know what I'm talking about.) My teacher likes the fact that I write wholly original works anyway, so it works out!

I had a turtleneck on earlier today, and then I took it off and kind of wore it like a cape, I'm such a nerd.

I tried to draw today, something I wanted to try, but I couldn't, which sucks. I wanted to draw.

I'm getting the urge to get back into fandubs again, but I have a feeling the group I'm a part of probably will end up picking something that I've either never watched or haven't wanted to watch. But I kinda gotta get out there.

I need to work more on my Steampunk story, orz

The idea Ark gave me for developing Onni further should not look as appealing as it does.


I just tweeted about that. I am the silliest.

So my friends and I are, assuming we can get together, try the My Immortal Drinking Game on TVTropes. I fully expect to be sick Friday/Saturday/Sunday.

And now, a random bit of food for thought:

Friendship is a blanket of the warmest kind. Forging friendships with people, deep ones, keeps your blood as hot as can be, and your will as strong as steel. There's nothing like your friends finishing your sentences, or teaming up with you to tackle some objective. The world is cold, but with each person you find, you get a little hotter, determined to fight back the bitter cold winds of cynicism with the firey backing of a family of friends - that's what it means to be a human. To fight off the blizzard of despair with the heat of knowing that you've got people who would bite the bullet for you - and that you'd do the same.
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