Oct 12, 2004 02:04
It was 4am when I heard a single, weak knock reverberate through my halls. Tentatively, I cracked open my heavy wooden door and strained to see through the darkness. Nothing stirred and I began to relax, attributing the sound to be simply a natural occurance. I hobbled back to my bed in an attempt to salvage a few more hours sleep, but was stopped in my tracks before I even reached the bed. A faint, yet distinct thundering could be heard on the far end of my estate. I didn't think much of it until the aural tempest began to creep nigh. Suddenly I began to curse my self-sufficiency, the comfort of another soul being near me was sorely missed. I slipped on a thick, intricately designed, crimson robe and swallowed my fear as I once again approached the door. The thunder was in my hall now, probably no more than 15 feet away when it completely ceased. I stood for what seemed an eternity with my hand on the knob, and my ear to the cold, hard wood. I tried my best to see through my ears, yet nothing except my heart could be heard, rhythmically caressing the air in an almost unnerving pattern. Almost by accident, my hand turned and I slid the door open just enough to get a sliver of vision beyond my room. I blinked several times to check the sanity of my eyes, comprehension slipped away as I observed a sillhouette which consumed more space than thought possible. I estimated a near 8 foot width, considering the being filled a solid portion of my 10 foot hallway. I was unable to make out any detail, but there it stood, slightly expanding and contracting with each breath it took. The stench was unbearable, even moreso than the feelings of pure, unaltered terror I was currently feeling. I quickly shut my door and wheeled around toward my dresser, unable to think of any other options I picked up my phone and dialed 9 and 1 before my door came tumbling past me. I opened my mouth to scream, but my larynx was paralyzed with shock and I made not a sound. The beast pounced and I managed to catch a glimpse of it's hideous face before I faded into darkness.
Your Mother is never staying with me again, she sleepwalks
Your pal, Mortimer