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For five fandoms, name the following...
1. The first character you first fell in love with:
2. The character you never expected to love as much as you do now:
3. The character everyone else loves that you don't:
4. The character you love that everyone else hates:
5. The character you used to love but don't any longer:
6. The character 'ship everyone else loves that you don't:
7. The character 'ship you love that everyone else hates:
Star Wars (Prequels)
1. Obi-Wan. Starting with Episode 1, he was my favourite from the very beginning of that movie.
2. Dooku. Master Zhes turned me to the Dookside
3. Anakin...but then there's a far amount that don't like him too.
4. Um...Dooku?
5. I admit... when Episode 1 first came out, I was much younger and...I liked Jar Jar because he was funny... I know... horrible...
6. Any slash pretty much... especially Obi/Qui...
7. I don't really do much shipping in SW
1. Wash, he was like Harper from Andromeda! Almost exactly! And Mal, because he's awesome.
2. Kaylee. I didn't start out liking her, I mean I did, but she wasn't one of my favourites, can you refuse Kaylee??
3. River and Simon...they annoy me.
4. I kinda like Book..he doesn't seem to have a huge following.
5. I'm ify on Jayne, but all and all he's still pretty cool.
6. Mal/Kaylee. I can't see them in a romantic sense at all.
7. Mal/Inara
1. Mike Logan, carried over from mothership.
2. I didn't start out liking Bobby because I was still on Mike, but it didn't take long.
3. Um...I dunno..that's hard to say with CI.
4. I seriously think I'm the only one that actually likes Carver.
5. Well, Mike Logan. I don't know, I'm not really into him much anymore.
6. Logan/Barek, I could never see it.
7. Logan/Olivet.
(...*cough*) Batman Begins..
1. Bruce. Duh.
2. *dies* Gordon. He's cool, he's like a normal of the few... and he cracks me up.
3. Crane... but I don't really think that Cillian Murphy is all that hot either, so..
4. Dood...Alfred. Because he's the best. But not many people think about him. That's really sad.
5. I don't really think that... there is one...except that Rachel annoys me for most of the movie, but she's not all bad? Sometimes? Despite being a canon-Mary-sue..
6. Most shipping in this fandom annoys me because it's all Mary-sue-ish.
7. Um..I dunno...I don't really ship this...except maybe canon? Maybe..if I'm not annoyed at Rachel for being a dork.
Ok, time for something random.
LA Confidential
1. Bud White.
2. Ed Exley. He annoyed me at first, but then he grew on me after awhile.
3. I don't like Sid Hudgens...
4. Bud White.
5. Clearly, I started out liking Captain Smith...
6. I don't know, there isn't much fanfic for this out there.
7. Bud/Lynn. I read this really really good story once about what happened after the movie. I loved it...wish I could find it again.