Aug 31, 2007 20:54
hey hey hey, we made it to the end of week one (or i guess week two in everyone elses case).
throughout this week i've managed to see meaghan fisk, aj miller, zach miller (who was hitting on the starbucks clerk, trying to get free coffee), some dude who was on the orientation staff, and this russian kid named josh i met at orientation. other than that... i know no one.
but i think i will be ok. you see this kid i know once told me "life is what you make it." and at the time i didn't think much of it. i'll be honest, i miss all you guys terribly. but i'm realizing now more than ever that life is really what i make of it. yes, God does have a plan for me. but will i ever see it if i sit in my apartment feeling sorry for myself? probably not. so even though i feel lonely, and oh so sorry for myself, i'm going to try to make more of my life. it's actually turning out to be pretty fun.
of course i still do have complaints.
i totally despise florida. i must say that i DO NOT enjoy walking what is about a mile from my car to classes in 90 some odd degree heat. oh yeah and today with the rain. that was even better. while i'm sayin this, i guess part of it's usf's fault. check this: front page of the usf paper today was an article on how bad the parking situation is. usf sold over 48,000 parking permits this year. how many spaces are actually available on campus? 20,500. hello? does that make any sense whatsoever? doesn't to me. oh well. walking's good exercise.
so now that i'm done complaining, i shall return to trying to make my life more exciting. right after i do my engineering calc homework (bleh. you think fager's bad? try my math teacher...). haha. hopefully you can gather something out of this mish mosh of nothingness. otherwise i just wasted your time. sorry. leave me a comment. i want to hear from you all. cause i'm still bored...
Robert Greco
(mistaken as a relation to the former mayor of tampa)
(also mistaken as an argentinian name...)