Aug 27, 2007 10:35
so i remember nick and david saying how they were gonna hang out at starbucks now. i claim the usf library starbucks. i'm sitting here waiting for someone to come talk to me. haha jk. so it took a LOT of coffee to wake me up this morning, and i can now officially say that i HATE the city. well primarily the traffic and the people. but i guess that's the whole city. takes a half hour to get to school in the morning in time for coffee and a walk to the chemistry building. downside: traffic with people going to work. upside: usf students are lazy and get to school late so you have your pick of parking spaces. haha. but after about 9:00ish, forget about parking! i've walked like all over the place. this is a pretty big campus. haha. so i've only had one class so far... general chemistry. the teacher is british. i was so happy. if nothing else i can enjoy the accent. haha. you also get as many tries as you want on the homework, and get to drop one of the exam grades. wow. don't remember lynch doing that... anyway that's all i know about college right now. the apartment's pretty cool. we got all new carpets and floors because the previous tenants smoked and destroyed everything... but it's nice now! oh yeah guess i should say, cell phone number's the same, and you can still send mail to the address in the school directory (but i won't get it for a while...) or you can send mail to my new address:
15426 Plantation Oaks Dr.
Apt. 3
Tampa, FL 33647
alright, i guess that's about it. gotta head back home to finish unpacking. see you guys around... sometime!