Title: The Sweet Wine of Human Life
capt_facepalmRating: PG
Fandom: Sherlock Holmes (Gaslight ACD)
Characters: Inspector G.Lestrade, Dr John Watson, Mr Sherlock Holmes
Summary: Watson's sense of humour is not to everyone's taste
Warnings: (Lame pun is lame on purpose)
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: July 23rd 2016 prompt: “The Lowest and Highest Form of Humour”
‘Good one, Doctor!’ said Inspector Lestrade, wiping away tears of mirth. ‘Might I use that one at the Yard?’
‘Be my guest,’ replied Watson.
Sherlock Holmes, desperately trying to ignore their merriment, looked up from his chemistry set. ‘Please, don’t encourage him, Lestrade.’
Lestrade looked from one to the other. Often on the receiving end of Holmes’ humour: bitter, sarcastic, even cruel, he found Dr Watson’s affinity for wordplay pleasing and it left him wondering if perhaps Mr Sherlock Holmes wasn’t the smartest man in the room after all.
‘Beware, Inspector, Holmes is preparing a clever retort.’
Holmes just sighed.
Note: The title is from the Henry Ward Beecher quotation: "Mirth is the sweet wine of human life."
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