Title: Falling Through the Cracks
capt_facepalmRating: PG
Fandom: Sherlock Holmes (Gaslight ACD)
Characters: Wiggins, Dr John Watson
Summary: Watson has had a bad day
Warnings: (none)
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: July 22nd 2016 prompt: “Shine Yer Shoes Guvnor?”
‘I’m sorry that it’s so hard for you and your kind, Wiggins.’
‘Naw, it’s life, innit? Them that has and them that hasn’t. We makes the best of it. We get by.’
‘But what happens to those who cannot make ends meet?’
‘Sometimes it’s slim pickings, but someone in our mob usually gots enough to spare. We look out for each other. And sometimes there’s a soft touch who will give us food. Thanks agin for the apple.’
‘London seems darker and uglier now than when I was a scholar...’
‘...S’okay, Doc, you’ll make it. You’re one of us now.’
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