Nov 06, 2003 12:21
BREAKING NEWS: Leesa tells Eric how to scroll words across his LiveJournal.
November 6, 2003 Thursday 11:57 AM
Wendy called yesterday. Said, “Quit having prophetic dreams about me!” At first I thought she said pathetic. Earlier in the week she applied for Christmas help at the Tempe Target. Wonder if I should apply. Be an hour or more commute to the Tempe Target (even though I got a Target within walking distance right here.) But if we’re suppose to make out in the Christmas aisle...
I got in my car yesterday to go to “The Bum Steer” when a green SUV pulled into the space next to me. Not the car that’s s’pose to be in that space, but maybe it’s a friend, or new car. Looked to back out and I saw Wendy in the driver’s seat.
So I turned off the car, got out and talked to her through her passenger side. She put out her hand and we squeezed hands. We talked for about 5 minutes. We both knew I was on my way, so there wasn’t much time for deep conversation. She smiled a lot. Big toothy smiles. Clearly she seemed very pleased to see me. I flashed her my hooters.
I had to go. She held out her hand. Another squeeze. I got in my car, started it, turned on the radio, and out came “She Loves You.” For those of you who haven’t been in my car it doesn’t have a CD player or tape deck. Just the 1987 radio that was put in when it was built, so I didn’t have a Beatles CD or tape ready to play when I started it. Just random chance, or a message from The Beatles, that that song would be on the radio after seeing Wendy. And I caught it from the beginning, too. Anytime I come across a Beatles song on the radio I come in at the end, or last quarter of the song.
Is it wrong, or weird to still care so passionately about someone you’ve been broked up with for 4 1/2 years, and is married?
She looked good. When we were together I thought she looked plain. Putting together the Wendy tape, she asked me to do over this summer, I thought she looked cute. Maybe I miss her, maybe I’ve growed up some, or maybe I’m crashing from tainted pumpkin seeds, but Wendy is very cute. Perhaps I was too stuck on cute being Tori Amos or Baily Quarters back in the late ‘90s.
I wish she hadn’t’ve oughtta gottened married.