Apr 27, 2009 20:18
I've sold my property to the hospital and we shall close on the 4th of May (knock on wood) providing we can hang in here for a few more days w/o some fire or tornado devestation. I'm shopping for a motorhome for Yoda and I. I'm starting a visitation list for anyone who wants to let me live in their driveway while I visit. ;) Am looking for an eventual summer place to live and a winter place to live. I'm going to be making healing jewelry to support myself and will be setting up some online sources which is the best I can do w/o an address. Otherwise find touristy areas to sell my wares.
It's a kind of Spirit lead adventure right now. Just following my intuition. I've watched what I've manisfested so far turn into reality and I have to say that having faith in this so far has been a bit nerve wracking but I expect it to get easier as I keep practicing and watch as I reap what I sow. Kindness and love has been flowing to me in the most miraculous of ways. Like my illegal and illegally parked truck still at the train station when we got back from Arizona. Like getting to Az when I wanted to go. Like having my friends mow my lawn and refuse to take money for it. Like having the hospital accept my counter offer, even after the fence blew over. I even had friends here to take care of me when I was sick. Shitty vacation for them, I guess, but they were a blessing to me.
When I got to the point I felt the sale would go through, I began to fret what I'd do. How could I manage wto vehicles? What should I pack? Where should I go? What should I put in the estate sale and what should I not? And then I had a vision of loading up a motorhome in my driveway. And I thought how easy that would be. I just take what I need and have room for. And I could picture Yoda's little bed on a seat near me as I drove. And My aloe vera plant on the table. Closets full of my clothes. My cooking stuff and picnic ware. My spice cabinet full. And what wouldn't fit, I would leave behind for my estate sale. And it was so clear. Since then several "great" RV deals have come to my attention. Buyers market, it seems.
And now I trust when I head out, and wonder whether to drive right or left, it will just come to me. When I wonder what piece of jewelry to make, it will just come to me. And when folks need what I can provide, they will just show up. The Universe is so magic. And it's made of Love which we all have plenty to share.