May 06, 2009 18:14
"Hahaha! You will never best me, Abyss Rangers! Say goodbye to your friend!"
The maniacal laughter of Abyss Silver rang through their ears, mocking them and all they stood for! Abyss Silver had betrayed them after leading them to believe they were fighting for the same cause and the greater good. Now he had gone a step further, kidnapping their beloved partner, Abyss Green!
"I knew we should never have been so foolish as to trust Abyss Silver," Abyss Black said bitterly. "I knew this could only lead to our downfall."
"We haven't lost yet!" valiant Abyss Red exclaimed. "We can still defeat him, save our friend, and be home in time for dinner!"
He unsheathed his red photon sword and charged at Abyss Silver, who easily stepped out of his way, arm still tight around Abyss Green's waist. "Pah! Pathetic. You cannot hope to defeat me! My powers far outstrip your own, foolish Abyss Red!"
"Oh, I wouldn't be so confident if I were you," Abyss Blue said calmly, hands in his pockets. "You've forgotten about our gambit!"
You could practically see Abyss Silver's face pale from beneath his helmet. "No... You... You can't mean you've found...that person?!"
"We have," proclaimed Abyss Blue, "and we will readily use them and their tremendous strength against you and your evil intentions! Go forth,
Suddenly from stage left, appeared Abyss Yellow, and with him came his entourage of Mighty Morphin' Rappigs. In an instant, they had tackled Abyss Silver and freed Abyss Green from his nefarious clutches!
"My! Thank you, Abyss Yellow!" Abyss Green said as she stepped on Abyss Silver's head to make sure he was unconscious.
"All in a day's work," the newcomer said, the rappigs returning to his side, their colored capes blowing dramatically in the breeze.
[Ion tries to pretend he didn't just dream that, and, better still, tries to pretend the Dreamberry isn't glowing softly on his bedside table. He's going to have a nice time explaining this one...]
~game: somarium,
eleventh fonon of what the fuck,
jade might be evil,