Shane's landlord came in, saw the cat, and then had to go to the emergency room. Badness. So my adorable Sage has been shipped out. Luckily, my friend Pete (who some of you may remember as the scary guy with the nipple piercings who got half naked at
snowth's party a while ago) was kind enough to give her a temporary home until we move into our new apt. The interesting thing is, he has a cat named Walter, a boy, not fixed, who resides with him. My little girl cat is not yet old enough to be fixed. Now, I don't worry so much about this because she's not supposed to be able to get pregnant for a couple months yet, but just in case, if you're looking for a kitten, let me know.
I was over at Pete's house last night, and the cats were playfighting like crazy. Sage is such a tease...she would run the poor Walter ragged, hide for a moment, then sneak around and surprise him, and run away so he could chase her. Crazy kitties.