Bahamas. (2/2)

Jun 30, 2012 00:23

Title: Bahamas
Summary: Ian and Anthony, still getting used to being in a relationship, take a trip to the Bahamas. Ian gets nervous when Anthony starts sending him signs that he's ready to move on to the next stage of the relationship. Sex.
Rating/Warnings: *NC17; Gay kissing, making-out, suggestive language/actions, smut, hand job, anal sex
Disclaimer: I don't own the Smosh boys, and contrary to what I prefer to believe, this hasn't really happened. I do, though, own this story. Okay boring stuff over. c:
A/N: Wow, okay, This part is pretty long. I didn't think it'd be as long as it is. Well, maybe it's not that long. Seems that way on the post screen. Anyways, hopefully it's not totally terrible. Maybe you'll enjoy it, ha ha. Oh, and to those of you lucky enough to go to VidCon, firstly, I WISH I WAS YOU...and, secondly, please take as many pictures of "Naked Ian and Anthony" as possible during "Ask A Naked Guy" ...Okay, that's all. Fair winds, mates. -3

((Bahamas, 1/2))
Bahamas, 2/2.

      Anthony kissed back immediately, moving his lips against Ian’s slowly. Ian moved his arms up to hook around Anthony’s neck, and soon after felt hands on his hips below the water’s surface. He leaned in closer to Anthony, opening his mouth when his boyfriend’s tongue ran across his lower lip. As usual, Anthony pushed quickly into his mouth, not giving him any time to breathe as he kissed. Ian didn’t try to take the lead, knowing Anthony would eventually force his tongue down his throat anyways. Soon, he did, leaning his head down further and pushing his tongue to the back of Ian’s mouth. Ian brushed his tongue up against the bottom of Anthony’s, trying to remember his need of oxygen in the heated kiss. 
      Anthony’s hands slid down on his hips, fingers pushing slightly under the waistline of his swim shorts. Ian whimpered softly, pushing his tongue up against Anthony’s, not arguing with his roaming hands at all. Anthony grasped the shorts’ waistline and tugged lightly, testing Ian’s reaction. The shorter boy thrust his hips upward, giving another little whimper. Anthony pulled the shorts down slowly until they hung around Ian’s knees, and the realization of being fully exposed finally sank in for Ian. His stomach tightened again, heavy blush blooming on his cheeks. The heat once again became overwhelming, raising sweat on the nape of his neck. 
      Ian took in a deep breath and slid his hands down Anthony’s wet back, dropped them underwater, continued sliding them down until he reached Anthony’s own bathing suit, tugging lightly at the hemline. Anthony groaned in response, running his hands up Ian’s bare thighs. The younger boy, struggling to stay semi-calm, tugged down on Anthony’s bathing suit, pulling them down to his knees. He lifted a foot off the soft sand underwater and found the swimsuit, pulling down with his toes until it was finally off of Anthony. His boyfriend did the same and Ian realized that they’d probably lose their swimsuits in the water. He shrugged mentally and decided, with the calm, still water, they’d most likely find them in the morning. 
      As Anthony finally worked Ian’s swimsuit off of his feet, he grabbed Ian’s hips and pulled them against his own, Ian’s dick rubbing against Anthony’s. Ian let out a moan, feeling blood rush into his dick. He pulled his mouth away from Anthony’s, gasping for breath, and moved his lips to Anthony’s neck, sucking at loose water droplets and biting smooth skin softly. Trying to shove all jumbled thoughts and worries to the back of his mind, he moved his hand to gasp Anthony’s dick underwater, stroking slowly. Anthony let out a low moan, rolling his head back.
    “Jesus…Fuck, Ian,” His boyfriend mumbled, and Ian stifled a smirk, biting down on the skin of Anthony’s neck and continuing his strokes, tightening his grasp around Anthony’s dick slightly. Anthony rolled his head forward, panting into Ian‘s ear, mumbling nonsensically. Ian could hardly make out any words, hearing things like, “Fuck…please…Jesus…Ian…” The taller boy snaked a shaky hand up Ian’s back and ran it through his hair, tangling it into the wet locks. Ian continued sucking and biting at his boyfriend’s neck, trying to keep his mind steady as he ran his hand up and down Anthony’s shaft. Was he doing it right? Any of it? Should he go faster? Slower? What was going through Anthony’s head? He couldn’t stop the nervous questions from buzzing in his head. More so, he couldn’t stop the blood from rushing into his own dick. He was incredibly turned on by the noises his partner breathed out. 
      Growing bored with Anthony’s neck, Ian released the sot skin from between his teeth and pulled his head back, reaching up with his free hand and grabbing Anthony’s wrist, pulling his hand out of Ian’s hair. He brought Anthony’s hand to his lips, taking a few of them into his mouth, sucking and swirling his tongue round them. Below the water’s surface he quickened his hand’s pace, rubbing his thumb over the tip of Anthony’s dick when reaching it. 
      Anthony moaned, thrusting involuntarily into Ian’s hand. He pulled his fingers out of Ian’s mouth, running the wet fingertips along Ian’s spine as he moved his hand downward, letting it submerge underwater. Ian dropped his head onto Anthony’s shoulder, planting small kisses along his collarbone. His stomach tensed and tightened once again when he felt Anthony’s fingers run down past his spine, down to his entrance. He swallowed hard, slowing his hand’s pace on Anthony’s dick to a near-halt. Anthony brushed a finger against Ian’s entrance, adding slight pressure.
      “You okay?” he whispered, reaching up to stroke Ian’s hair with his free hand. Ian nodded, unable to get out any words. It’s coming, he knows. Would it hurt? Probably. Would he be able to handle it? Again, thoughts flooded his mind, goose-bumps raised on his skin, his heart quickened. He couldn’t tell if he was scared to death or incredibly turned on. Whatever the case, he just wanted Anthony to get inside him already. 
      Anthony pushed down with his finger, adding pressure but not yet penetrating Ian. The short boy let out a weak whimper, clenching his eyes shut in preparation. Anthony paused. “You sure you’re okay? We can stop…” He mumbled, lips pressed into Ian’s hair.
      Ian looked up at Anthony, the sight almost dizzying. Rose-tinted cheeks, half-lidded eyes, water droplets running down features etched with lust…it was almost too much. Ian shook his head. He needed Anthony. Now. “Please…Please, Anthony,” Ian begged. He dropped his head against Anthony’s wet chest, closing his eyes. “I want you.” Anthony was silent for a moment, then quietly sighed.
      “Okay,” his partner breathed, and pushed inward with his finger, penetrating Ian, who whimpered in response. Anthony stroked his hair, pushing his lips back into his hair. Ian willed his body to relax round Anthony’s finger as it pushed in deeper. It was a strange sensation; not painful, not comfortable or pleasing, just…weird. Foreign. Ian took a breath, telling himself it wasn’t that bad. Anthony slowly worked his finger farther until it was almost fully in, then carefully pulled out half way, making Ian wince slightly at the feeling. Without warning, Anthony pushed in harder, making Ian gasp and cringe with pain. It hurt, but he knew it would. Ian was just eager to get it over with and move on to the next step.
      “You all right?” Anthony whispered into Ian’s hair. Ian nodded against Anthony’s chest, trying to find his voice.
      “Y-yeah…” he stuttered, “It’s supposed to h-hurt.” Anthony sighed, pushing further in with his finger. Again, he pulled it out somewhat before pushing back in, even harder. This time, though, was different. As Anthony pushed it, a wave of ecstasy washed over Ian…Well, more like drowned him. Pleasure shot through him out of nowhere, and he threw his head back with a gasp, moaning as he exhaled. As the feeling faded, he dropped his head back against Anthony, panting. He pulled his head up, looking up to Anthony with a confused look. 
      “What…?” He breathed, confused about what had just happened. A smirk found its way onto Anthony’s lips.
      “That’s what happens when I hit your prostate,” Anthony replied. Ian raised his eyebrows.
      "Oh…” Ian mumbled, casting his eyes down. “Well, do you think…you could…” Anthony chuckled lightly.
      “Mhmm,” the tall boy purred, leaning down to connect his lips to Ian’s. Ian lifted his head, closing his eyes for the gentle kiss. He parted their mouths after a moment, dropping his head back onto Anthony’s shoulder. His boyfriend pulled out of him completely, and he soon felt pressure again. This time, two fingers penetrated him, his body involuntarily tensing. He shut his eyes tightly, trying unsuccessfully to willingly relax his body. Anthony pushed forward slowly with his fingers, pausing every once in a while. Ian kept his face buried in the crook of Anthony’s neck, holding in cries of pain. It took seemingly forever before Anthony finally pulled back out. He adjusted his fingers after pulling them out, and Ian tensed, knowing what would come next. 
      Anthony shoved his fingers back into Ian, brushing his prostate. A chill ran up Ian’s spine as the feeling of ecstasy returned. He moaned through his teeth, gripping Anthony’s hips with both hands and digging his nails in. He pushed down on Anthony’s fingers, wanting the feeling to last longer. It faded quickly, leaving Ian panting breathlessly against Anthony. He glanced up at his boyfriend to see his smirking face, and lolled his head back against him. 
      Ian gasped quietly when Anthony pushed hardly into him again, hitting his prostate. The process continued, Ian surrendering completely to the feeling, focusing on the pleasure rather than the pain. Eventually, Anthony added a third finger, scissoring them inside of Ian, stretching him out. Pain would become very evident, but soon dissolved by the flashes of ecstasy brought when Anthony brushed his prostate. 
      After a small eternity, Anthony finally pulled his fingers out. Ian lifted his head, looking up into Anthony’s lust filled eyes, shuddering slightly with a mix of anxiety and anticipation. 
      “Ready?” Anthony murmured downward, eyes still worrisome. Ian took in a breath and nodded before dropping his head back down onto Anthony. The taller of the two wrapped his arms around the shorter, leading the both of them gently into shallow water. Eventually ending up near the shore, Ian let himself be pushed into a half-laying position, elbows pushed into the sand, knees just barely breaking the surface of the water. Anthony’s body pressed against his own, hips between Ian’s legs, arms on either side of him, torso against his own. He looked up at his boyfriend, unable to read his expression in the darkened air. 
      Once again, he felt pressure at his entrance. His stomach tightened, the nervous knot within him more prominent than before. He swallowed hard, focusing on Anthony’s warm breath in his ear and wet body pressed to his, and closed his eyes. As Anthony pushed into him, he bit down on his lip, holding in a cry of pain. It was a lot worse than just Anthony’s fingers, more painful than uncomfortable now. H clenched his eyes shut, remaining as quiet as possible as Anthony slowly pushed in. He was glad, now, that the night had become so dark. He didn’t want Anthony to see his face. It was probably pretty ugly at the moment.
      “You’re doing really good, Babe,” Anthony whispered into Ian’s ear. Despite the situation, Ian smiled, still loving the sound of Anthony calling him “Babe.” He leaned his head forward, planting small kisses along his boyfriend’s collarbone. He attempted to keep his mind off of his sore ass while Anthony began pulling out, stopping halfway like he had with his fingers. Ian knew what would come next, though, making it pretty hard to focus on anything else. 
      He suspected correctly. Anthony rammed back into Ian, much harder than before, pulling a long whine of pain out of him. He reaches up, hooking an arm around Anthony’s neck and soon after pulling up his other arm. His boyfriend lifted a hand and placed it on Ian’s back, supporting his weight. Ian let his hands find Anthony’s shoulders, nails digging in hard when Anthony thrust into him again. 
      Anthony pulled out slightly, adjusting himself before thrusting back into Ian, this time hitting his prostate dead-on. As the wave of ecstasy crashed against him, Ian threw his head back with a moan. Anthony continued, hitting Ian’s prostate every few times he pushed in. Ian let himself surrender to the pleasure, blocking out reality and focusing on the sensual feeling. Caught in a haze of pleasure, Ian was hardly aware that he’d began to mumble.
      “H-harder…Harder, please,” Ian absent-mindedly rambled between pants. Anthony obeyed his pleas, thrusting hard into him. Ian let out a cry, soon after matching a moan from Anthony with one of his own. The older boy continued thrusting into Ian, hitting his prostate dead-on. Ecstasy pulsed through Ian, drawing moans and shivers from him. He dragged his nails down Anthony’s back, gasping as his boyfriend once again rammed into him. Lust and ecstasy blurred his senses, pulling him away from the beach, the water, the heat. The only things prominent in his mind were him and Anthony, the hands on his body, the heavy pants in his ear, the push and pull inside of him, the pulsing in his dick. 
      Ian’s hand, somewhere back in reality, moved from Anthony’s back to push at his torso. He rolled on top of Anthony as he pushed him down, the dark haired boy now in a half-laying position, Ian straddling his hips. He pushed down onto Anthony’s dick, rolling his head back and running his hands down Anthony’s chest. Anthony hit Ian’s prostate again, and Ian, desperately wanting the feeling to remain, rolled his hips in small circles, letting out whimpers as he did so. Anthony moaned loudly, one of his hands finding Ian’s hip, gripping lightly. Ian pushed down onto Anthony, trying to match his thrusts. He ran his hands up to Anthony’s shoulders, gripping tightly. He felt a drop of sweat run down the back of his neck, the heat still all but suffocating him as he panted heavily, trying to breath between moans and mumbles. 
      Ian leaned down slowly until his chest rested against Anthony’s, both wet from ocean water and perspiration. He continued pushing down onto Anthony’s dick and found his partner’s neck with his lips, kissing and biting at it aimlessly. His own erection, pressed between his and Anthony’s stomachs, gained friction as both boys moved their hips. Soon, he feels pre-come leave the tip of his dick.
      “Fuck, Anthony…I-I’m close,” Ian mumbled breathlessly, vision unfocused, skin shivering. The familiar feeling in his balls and tightening in his abdomen became prominent.
      “Me too,” he heard Anthony whisper between pants. Anthony grabbed Ian’s hips with both hands, thrusting hard and fast into him. Ian cried out loudly, his senses pulling him over the edge. Anthony screamed out Ian’s name, digging his nails into his hips. During another hard thrust, Ian felt hot come spread inside of him. At the same time, he arched his back, crying out his boyfriend’s name mid-moan as an orgasm ripped through him, coating both boys’ stomachs with come. 
      Ian let himself collapse against Anthony and closed his eyes, quick breaths falling on his best friend’s shoulder, more sweat beaded along his forehead and neck. Anthony slowly pulled out of him, and after a few minutes of regaining his breath and floating through the haze of his orgasm, Ian opened his eyes, trying to reenter reality. He half-mindedly pulled himself up, dragged himself onto the beach and collapsed in the warm, soft sand. Anthony followed, laying beside him. Ian scooted closer, laying his head on the older boy’s wet chest and throwing an arm across him. Anthony wrapped an arm around Ian, pulling him close. 
      “Ian?” Anthony mumbles, pressing his lips into the younger boy’s hair.
      “Hmm?” Ian replies, already half asleep.
      “I’m really glad we went on this vacation.”
      Ian chuckled. “Me too.” 
      A few minutes passed before Anthony sighed contently, whispering an, “I love you,” into Ian’s ear. Ian smiled, nuzzling against his boyfriend.
      “I love you, too, Anthony.”

Eh? Thoughts? Comments are awesome. CC: Thanks for reading! xo. Aye, good night, fair sailing to all of ya!

anxious, drabble, intercourse, padilla, first time, slash, friends, kissing, kiss, ian, nc17, youtube, anthony, hecox, make out, yeah..., stress, sex, boys, love, anxiousness, ianxanthony, boyxboy, rated, yaoi, gay, anal, juiceboxx, ianthony, monthly, guys, smosh, challenge, fan fiction, r, bromance

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