I am so very different.

Nov 04, 2015 00:45

It's odd to look back through this thing at the person I was, and at what was important to me.

I live in Skagway, Alaska year-round these days, in a small house provided by the company I work for. I have a good job where I make good money, enough where I don't have to think about money, which is all the money one needs to make. I have friends. I have a great community. Most importantly, I have natural, awe-inspiring beauty surrounding me, each and every day.

I'm happy with myself, for the most part. I feel more like the person I want to be than I ever have before. I play ukulele most days, and I'm getting pretty good. I'm hoping to get a bass up here sometime in the near future. I might even make a record someday. No, seriously. Maybe.

I'm not worried about being alone anymore. I like being alone, a lot of the time. I'm working hard on myself, mentally and physically. I had a mushroom trip earlier this year, and I found it to be a profoundly spiritually-affecting experience. I needed it. It gave me clarity on so many things.

I smile a lot. That's something I've been concentrating on. It's so good for you, and for others to see.

Something I noticed in my older entries was my constant self-criticism. I think I do that to keep my ego in check. I need to do it more quietly.

I miss a lot of my friends, in Massachusetts and in Georgia. I'll be traveling soon to visit them all. That's the only thing I don't like about being up here, but it's worth it.

Bye for now! <3
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