Who: Subala and Landis (
howmchisthefish (and the Long Sunset crew)
What: Sailing toward the Island Nations and the hijinx that ensue
Where: Aboard the Long Sunset and possibly ports it visits, depending on how long this goes
When: Early-mid October, a few days to a week after they left Budehuc
Why: FISH. And Adventure! But mostly fish. Oh, and pirates are attacking RIGHT NOW.
It was eaaaarly morning, before dawn, the moon but a sliver with shadows passing over it. A small, swift sailing ship with black sails silently edged up toward the nearly still Sunset, like an assassin creeping towards its next victim.
Most of the Long Sunset's crew asleep except the Runesailor Frida who was up on watch, and whomever else liked to skulk about in the dark... (mayhaps someone who liked to call himself Death?)
A bolt of flame flew forth from the black-sailed ship, barely missing the mainsail but hitting the deck and setting it afire. Frida bolted upright from her watch position at once, running for a bucket while she clanged on a wildly loud bell. There was obvious motion from the cabin and belowdeck as the small crew rose to the claxon.
Subala in her quarters nearly fell out of bed at the sound, somehow managing to twist into a proper landing at the very last, and in but a nightshirt and bloomers, she grabbed her sasumata and charged out of the cabin.