Jul 18, 2010 18:36
Busy, busy. You've all been up to all sorts of things, haven't you?
Uncle Redd had to go to his alternate closet to strap on his big boots to handle you lot.
Castiel. Ganondorf.
John Allerdyce. Zuko. Veld. Xanxus.
Enjoy your time in the SPECIAL BRIG.
[OOC: The following punishments are now in effect for the following passengers:
Ridley - For chewing off and consuming Ganondorf's arm, he will find himself made almost entirely of arms. They will act independently of him and more often than not impede any important task he undertakes. They will also pinch him to keep him awake whenever he tries to rest.
This punishment will last for three days.
Pyro, Zuko, and Veld - Those three will find themselves in the brig... but it's not the usual cells that greet them. Instead of being drafty and chilly, these cells are warm. Very warm. The floor is soft and uneven and it seems to be made out of flesh. The only light comes from a single lightbulb that hangs from the center of the ceiling, and the lightbulb is fused with what looks like neural tissue to provide the electricity. A heartbeat can be heard if one presses their ear to the soft, pulsating wall. As for food and water... well, the flesh shall provide. Human breasts grow out of the walls here and there beside human arms of all shades and pigmentations. The arms and hands wave around gently, seeking to touch something. Moving too close to them will earn you a punch or a scratch, and striking back at them seems to have no effect whatsoever. It's just so hot in there, you're bound to get thirsty eventually.
Xanxus - For Xanxus, he is mercifully free of the breasts, and instead he simply has the arms. A crevas opens up in the floor twice a day full of milk if he wants to drink or eat. The rest of the time, the passengers have only the waving hands, the shifting, pulsating floor, the heat and boredom to keep them company.
For all our lucky brig passengers, make sure not to sleep for too long! The arms will slowly, slowly grow out of the pulsating floor during the night and attempt to envelop the prisoner. Pulling oneself away will make them retract immediately, but sleep for more than three hours at a time and they'll be back...
Upon leaving the brig, Xanxus will find he's not holding together as well as he thought he was. Bloodlessly, painlessly, body parts will begin to fall off: fingers, toes, nose, ears, hands, feet, etc. At the end of three days, he will find himself whole and well again.
When Veld leaves the brig, he will spend three days with his own personal raincloud overhead. It will deliver rain, mist, hail, and the occasional thunderbolt to the top of his head.
After Pyro leaves the brig, he will find that whenever he attempts to try and manipulate fire, or thinks with pleasure about any acts of violence, mayhem, rudeness or barbeque, he will suddenly find himself transported into his bathtub. He will find himself suddenly pantsless, in ice-cold water with live pirhana-anchovies. This will continue for six days.
Zuko fill find himself unable to use his firebending powers and hounded constantly by frog-lobsters, which are green and have the capability to jump as high as five feet in the air. They're hungry, won't lose Zuko's scent for three days.