Jul 08, 2010 19:11


Tell me, audience, how much would you say an exclusive, two-week, all expenses paid vacation to Triegn Fo Berlee cost?

Five thousand rupees?

Five hundred thousand yen?

For your mother's broken arm and your sister's skinned leg, Captain Redd just might consider sending you to this cultural paradise!

Any takers?



Very well then.

In the meantime, someone has crossed a few too many T's, dotted a few too many I's, and goodness, has tromped all over one of Redd's Rules.

Ambrosia will fuck with your common sense, kiddies.


As for our grand prize winners...

HANCOCK, DANNY, you've won yourself a romantic trip to the ship's brig!

Do be sure to wear plenty of sunscreen.

Also, parsley.

[OOC: Hancock and Danny have been sentenced to three days in the brig.

During that time, three painfully bright suns will circle over Hancock's head, giving much needed sunlight to the flowers that have sprouted there. The flowers are oh so grateful for this, and have decided to serenade him with an identical rendition of THIS CLASSIC TUNE during the course of his stay. Should he do anything to destroy their flowers, two will return for every one harmed, and they will all grow louder.

Danny will suffer from a case of reversed senses. He will see what he should be hearing, and hear what he should be seeing. As such, Hancock's singing flowers will be particularly strange and unpleasant to see/listen to.

Their punishments will continue through all three days in the brig, and for three days beyond as well.]


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