Oct 22, 2008 14:16
So, Quantum of Solace is due out in the States on November 17th, and I'm getting into full-blown hype mode. I've been reading anything I can that's not loaded down with spoilers (not easy), which has lead me to reading wikipedia articles on the character's history. This lead to the following gem from Albert R. Broccoli - the man who helped create the Bond film franchise in the 60s and ran it up through his death in 1996 - regarding trying to cast Bond for Dr. No:
“I wanted a ballsy guy…Put a bit of veneer over that tough Scottish hide and you've got Fleming's Bond instead of all the mincing poofs we had applying for the job”.
Now, this quote does not have an appropriate footnote, so it may have been made up. Broccoli himself was actually American, but he could well have lived in Britain long enough that he'd've picked up Limey colloquialisms like "mincing poof." So hopefully it was real, because it's too damn funny.