Because I don't want to clutter my (new) LJ...

Jul 15, 2004 09:10

I will use the recently discovered and extremely useful LJ cut to post this survey! So, if you would like, read on and enjoy my answers to this lovely survey.
[ clothes ] White and yellow elephant pajamas... it's still early. Plus, it's summer! I'm lazy in the summer.

[ mood ] Content, I suppose.
[ hair ] Just down.

[ annoyance ] Right now? Nothing's annoying me.

[ favorite artist ] Newsboys
[ desktop picture ] It's a pic of me tubing last summer.
[ Cd in Cd player ] Newsboys: Adoration
[ DVD in player ] There's nothing in it. But we only have one DVD because we just got the DVD player, so if anything was there it'd have to be Signs.
[ refreshment ] Nothing.

Last person..
[ you touched ] um.. i dont know
[ you talked to ] Connor--I was telling him that "I'm making my bed," is not a good excuse for being in the study hitting me over the head with a pillow.
[ you hugged ] Not sure.

[ you instant messaged ] Tess, I think, or it might have been Zoe.
[ you yelled at ] Probably Connor.

[ food ] Sheesh! There are so many good foods... how can you just pick one?
[ drink ] Lemonade, maybe? >_< <--that's my puckering sour lemonade face...
[ color ] Blue or maybe green.
[ album ] That's too hard.

[ shoes ] I like my grey and orange running shoes. I haven't worn them in forever...

[ candy ] Nerds maybe. Maybe Sour Punch Straws... basically just sour things. Yum. I think I should make my sour face again-- >_< Ha I love that.
[ tv show ] I don't watch TV too much
[ movie ] There are so many movies!! This is almost as bad as that food question.
[ dance ] I don't really dance.... *SQUACK!!* Hallelujah...

Are you.
[ understanding ] I try to be..

[ open-minded ] Usually
[ insecure ] nope
[ random ] Am I?
[ hungry ] nope
[ friendly ] Um yeah I think so unless I don't know you then I'll probably be shy..

[smart ] i hope so
[ childish ] sometimes
[ hard working ] If I'm interested in it I'll work harder than if I'm not... But I try to be
[ organized ] Depends--For anyone who didn't see my locker last year, it was a MESS!! But I did eventually find everything...
[ healthy ] yah
[ emotionally stable ] yah

[ shy ] with people I don't know
[ difficult ] you tell me.
[ attractive ] no
[ bored easily ] Yeah, I guess so.
[ messy ] Not in my room. But you heard about my locker.

[ thirsty ] nope
[ responsible ] yes
[ obsessed ] You tell me.
[ angry ] no

[ sad ] no

[ happy ] yeah

[ trusting ] yes.. although I'll be the first to admit I'm not very trusting with secrets, but it's not that I don't trust whoever's asking me!!! I just.. don't like telling anyone secrets, no offense...
[ talkative ) sometimes.

who do you want to.
[ kill ] nobody
[ punch ] my brother at times.
[ look like ] I can't really picture myself looking like anyone other than me..
[ talk to offline ] people
[ talk to online ] people...
[ talk to forever ] um?
have you ever.
[ cried when someone died ] yeah
[ lied ] yah

which is better.
[ coke or pepsi ] Neither, yuck.
[ flowers or candy ] Well flowers are better to look at and candy's better to eat...
[ tall or short ] i'd like to be medium...
with the opposite sex.
[ what do you notice first ] Well I suppose the normal features that you recognize a person with--face, hair, etc

[ last person you slow danced with ] never slow danced with anyone..=P

[ makes you laugh the most ] my friends
[ makes you smile ] all my friends
[ makes you blush ] people who embarrass me
[ has a crush on you ] nobody...
[ is easiest to talk to ] depends on what I'm talking about.

do you ever.
[ sit on the internet all night waiting for someone special to IM you ] not really.

[ save aol/aim conversations ] not usually.
[ cried because of what someone said? ] yup
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