Why hello there!

Jan 04, 2012 21:12

Hey, all. Figured I'd do a little update since I haven't posted in a while.

Home for break at the moment, last Christmas break ever before my last semester ever! I graduate in May, wohoo! Can't wait. Have started looking around at hospitals, trying to pick a few good ones to apply to. Mostly looking around the mid to southern area of the state seeing as I don't want to go back up north, it's too cold up there! Plus Indy does have the most area of specialty hospitals, including children's hospitals, which is great since I'm interested in working in pediatrics. Yay kids!

Let's see other than that, not much to report. Things are good with the boyfriend, we are happily finally living in the same town for a change. I really love dating someone who's actually in the same town as me. Nice change of pace!

Holidays were good- spent Christmas with the fam and went down south for Steve's family Christmas. I love hanging out with his family, they're hilarious we played hours of euchre and drank, watched football, ate a ton of delicious food, and had to go find his sister's boyfriend when he got lost out in the backwoods. Fun times. Family Christmas is good- more eating, presents, the usual. New Year's was great, if a bit crazy- spent it in Bloomington with a few friends. Went out to the bars and saw an awesome band play, it was great! The night did end up with someone throwing up in my car, though. Not happy about it, but it's clean now at least.

Currently home right now, snuggled under a blanket watching Modern Family. Desperately trying to catch up on all the TV I've missed this semester- Doctor Who, Fringe, everything! The only thing I keep up on is Vampire Diaries (how could I not?) Also I've been reading a lot, mostly Stephen King. He has grown on me a lot, his books are addictive to me for some reason.

Well, I think that's all for now! Hope everyone is doing well, sorry I'm a bad LJ friend, real life consumes, well, my life.
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