May 18, 2002 11:06
So...this week has been very different from the past few weeks. And not really different in a good way. I haven't had that much fun in the past few days. Just...a lot of things were different this week, and it was almost too much for me to adjust to. Yesterday at the fun night, we played kickball on the baseball field, and that was great. Just being with my friends, and goofing around. Getting in fake fights on the infield. It got a lot of my stress out. The rest of the fun night sucked though. And due to certain circumstances, Ms. Caputo might not be our adviser next year. Great, huh? I don't just pisses me off. I can't wait for my birthday party...hopefully, that will be one big de-stressor. But who knows? I keep convincing myself that I just need some Aaron time, but to get my stress out, I need to be able to bitch to someone. Thankfully, Stacey was that person last night. But even that didn't clear my stress. I was so distracted when I was driving home, that I almost got into a car accident. It was so scary. I don't know. I think I'm just done with life for a while. I think that's how it needs to be.
car accident,