I usually photo-document our Christmases pretty meticulously, as can be seen in
this post and
this post, but this year I wasn't up to the job as my trusty old Sony digital camera crapped the bed a few weeks before the 2006 holiday season began.
I did get a new digital camera on Christmas Day though, so here are a handful of photos from X-Mas 2006.
There are times where the tree pickin's are slim, but our tree this year was nice and full and smelled great. Just like me.
I don't remember if I've taken pictures of our Christmas Town before, but if not... here it is. I have a feeling that I'm going to become a Christmas Town nut in a few years when I have my own home and that.
Our super-old Nativity, featuring plaster figurines. We have a fancy Nativity, but this is the one that my sister & I grew up with, so this is the one which gets put out year after year. Note that due to a painting snafu there is NO Black Wiseman in our Nativity.
After my dust-up with Ellen over Christmas ornaments (she prefers ornaments that are in good taste and keeping with the season, I freely admit to liking ornaments that are in horrible taste both for the season and visual consumption), Laura went out and bought me this holiday octopus. Weirdly enough, it's one of TWO octopus ornaments on our tree now.
Our old, faithful TV died last month, so Dad went out and bought this gigantic-ass monster TV to replace it. I never really put much stock into the whole "high definition television" movement before this weekend- there really IS a difference and it really is cool.
Here's a shot of Ellen's Christmas tree, which I did a comic about here. The top of the tree has a cute little Dr. Seuss-esque curve.
Miss snapped this picture of me at Chili's during our after-Christmas lunch there. I feel like I'm on the vanguard of the mediocre chain restaurant movement with my love of Chili's, as it's suddenly become the epicenter for all things comedic in the past year. Anyone who's known me for awhile will attest to the fact that Miss & I have been nothing less than fanatical about Chili's for the past five years, and it feels good to to have our palates vindicated.
Maybe someday I'll write a post that has nothing to do with digital photos...