Serial Bomber Plot Interest?

Jan 08, 2011 11:46

Would cop!cast be okay with Sarah working on a serial bombing case (before I actually do a writeup and submit it)?  Basically, I'd like to construct a serial bomber who will be going after an NPC whom Sarah will then be asked to protect.  Plot details will be as follows--though this is subject to mod approval, which I don't have because I haven't formally submitted it:

Background: Niles Marquette runs a peer review company tied to a large insurance company.  In the last two years, his firm (Marquette, Inc.), has had a hand in the denial of more than twenty thousand medical insurance claims.  One of those claimants lost his wife to a heart condition that he couldn't get coverage for.  And he is pissed off and going to do something about invoking divine vengeance in the form of bombs.

Day One

Early A.M.-- A bomb goes off in the parking garage where Cynthia (Niles' wife) Marquette works, critically injuring her--no one else.  There will be property damage and NPC folks will lose vehicles, no doubt.  Her husband, Niles, while coordinating with police investigators, calls on Reese's Defense to arrange around the clock protection for the family.  Meanwhile, Cynthia dies, late P.M., which makes this a murder case.

Day Two

A small bomb goes  off in Doctor Peter Samson's office (the man who treated Vengeance Man's wife) via a package delivered twenty minutes before.  Samson is rushed to the E.R., and is pronounced DOA.  This bomb will be the exact same components as the first.  Among the wreckage in both cases is a tiny etched message, easily overlooked unless your people are thorough as hell (which, for our police, shouldn't pose a problem): First scene; ONE. SEE WITH YOUR HEART, NOT YOUR EYES.  I'M COUNTING ON YOU.  Second scene;  TWO.  LEAD WITH YOUR MIND, FOR TIME TICKS ON.  STILL COUNTING.

Riddles and codes, Vengeance Man might want to be stopped, but he's not going to make it easy.

I'd like Sarah to work this one with the popo, and use her bombcognition to point them in the direction of the perp.  The catch is that during this case, Sarah will precog the fact start of her cancer-related hospital visits--except all she sees is waiting rooms and John and Cameron, etc.  This plot will mark the next phase of her cancer, but, I was also yearning for some detective stuff.

OOC!Plot Interest post is open.  I know Lassiter likes real dead bodies...

how does this make you feel, *plot

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