Dec 15, 2010 21:50


This is the part everybody bought their tickets for. No more sneaking around. All secrets have been revealed and all cards are on the table. It is time for the guns to come out.

The Truth, as discovered by the team, is this: The CIA agent Hans Sully was never corrupt. He’s rogue. You see, Hans went a little funny in the head, you know, just a little... funny, and, well, he went and did a silly thing. He used his CIA contacts and access to secret funds to arrange a massive meeting of criminals for the purpose of attacking his own country. Specifically the Import-inhabited portion of it.

He’s been using Ramon Arius as a figurehead while exploiting the criminal underworld’s fears of what superheroes can do to their business to advance his own agenda. There were already movements towards anti-Import cooperation among these organizations before, but Sully has redirected their ambitions. This meeting has produced enough criminal cooperation to ruin a great many lives (and messed up the town of Atatla to boot), but all that’s a byproduct. The end product of all this is the ‘package.' Jack and co’s interrogation of Arius is going to reveal that it is an improvised fuel air bomb powerful enough to wipe out several city blocks... or incinerate the resort, which perhaps suggests something as to the proper disposal method for it. The package is being stored deep in the sub-basement of the resort’s administrative building, under the kind of security that would make a cat burglar weep tears of hopeless despair.

The good news is that now that the Dependables know all this, they can put a stop to it. The bad news is that having so many of their people turn up dead/braindrained/having the crap beat out of them/having the resort’s owner disappear has clued the bad guys in that someone is messing with them (although they don’t know that it’s Imports, so thank heaven for small favours). On Thursday, things are going to fall apart.

First, the bad guys are going to zero in on the hotel and the ‘tourists’ as the source of their problems. Shortly afterwards the hotel will be hit with a crapload of mercenaries, ninjas and cartel gunmen, aiming to wipe out everybody inside, with the exception of resort owner Ramon Arius, who will have been held prisoner at the hotel after his interrogation and will be rescued. A log will go up Thursday for fighting off the attack, saving the hotel’s civilian staff, and getting the hell out of there. (The escape will be an excellent opportunity for car chases!)

Secondly, Jack Bauer is going to be captured in this attack. With their head captive, this will be an opportunity for the team’s strategists to show their stuff improvising a way to salvage the situation after everybody has gotten out of the hotel and to a hiding place. Characters that are undercover within the resort may if you wish have their covers blown and either be captured along with Jack or forced to flee.

Once the bad guys learn the team escaped, they’ll be moving the package off the resort on a plane as quickly as possible. This cannot be allowed to happen; if the package gets out of there, the next time they find it could be when it’s detonated. The only answer: absurd amounts of gratuitous explosions.

ICly, on Friday the resort will be attacked full-out by the Dependables. The log itself will go up either Friday or Saturday, depending on what’s most convenient for people. All the stops are going to be pulled out for this one: blacking out the place, crashing its systems, cutting it off from police assistance, bringing down its security from the inside, starting a small war between its defenders, you name it. A separate post will go up later with the details for it. After that we’re done! Although there may also be a log for the trip home.

Let me know if anyone has any questions.

ETA: Log's up!


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