Shoot to thrill, play to kill

Dec 16, 2010 15:23

WHO: The Dependables versus one helicopter, two mercenary squads, several carloads of cartel gunmen, and a bunch of ninjas for variety.
WHERE: Atatla Hotel
WHEN: Thursday afternoon.
WARNINGS: Violence
SUMMARY: The team’s cover has been blown, and the hotel comes under a full-scale attack. The new mission: escape, survive, rescue the hotel’s civilian staff, and make the bad guys regret ever coming here.

The stencilled letters on the helicopter read ‘El Zorro Azul Aerial Tours’ in English and Spanish, and is flying high in the air to give its passengers a beautiful view of the Mexico coastline and surrounding town. However, its passengers are more interested in looking at floor plans than scenery; the chopper is carrying mercenaries instead of tourists. Within, professional hired guns check their weapons and review the plan for their breach, faces hidden behind helmets and masks, sweating in their body armour.

Alpha Team in position.

Across the street from the hotel, a large white truck rolls to a stop. No one gets out. Its drivers are invisible behind dark-tinted windows.

Bravo Team in position.

Pedro’s bar is still cleaning up from the brawl that wrecked so much of its furniture and so many of his customers. Pedro himself doesn’t mind however; his presently-hospitalized extorters are in no position to give him trouble, and broken chairs are a small price to pay for not having to worry about broken bones. Still, as he sweeps he casts a suspicious eye at the crowded Jeeps parked outside. Their passengers look and talk like they’re just loitering on the street, but they aren’t interested in drinking, their faces are tense, and there are bulges in their vests. One of them says something on a radio.

Charlie in position.

In the building the truck is parked in front of, unfriendly eyes regard the hotel from behind second and third-floor windows. The watchers finger their weapons, eager to avenge their fallen in the jungle.

We are prepared.

In the basement of the resort’s administrative building, the Blue Eclipse command centre is a blue-lit hive of humming computers, buzzing monitors, and short, tense conversation. It has only been a few hours since they realized with much consternation that their security system was completely compromised, and been able to trace the source of the breach to the hotel. All hands are on deck for this operation, which has been swiftly developed from already-prepared backup plans once the location was confirmed. The mercenary commander, Bennett, is watching the position of his units on the screens in front of him with cold eyes. He speaks next, his voice low.

Remember- retrieve Arius if at all possible. Take at least one of them alive for interrogation. Eliminate everyone else. In this outfit, it is unnecessary for him to specify that this includes the hotel staff- knowingly or not, they have given aid and comfort to the enemy. Before this is all over they will have seen too much to be allowed to live anyway. Begin operation.

Alpha go go go.

Suddenly the helicopter goes into a steep dive, plummeting towards the hotel roof. It touches down for just a moment, long enough for its doors to slide open and the strike team to clamber out, then takes to the skies again. Snipers perch in its doors and scope the building from the air, watching as the Alpha squad members take the safeties off their submachine guns and enter the hotel through the rooftop access.

Bravo go go go.

The truck door flies open and another squad of mercs clambers out, crouching behind transparent bulletproof riot shields as they rush the hotel in a phalanx formation, machine pistols at the ready in their free hands. They smash through the front door and open fire on the first person they see. The man who was so happy to see Curtis Buchanan’s party check in a week ago dies in a hail of bullets without knowing why, his body slumping over the reception counter. The gunshots echo throughout the hotel.

Charlie, moving!

Engines roar and tires squeal as the Jeeps suddenly break away from the bar and tear towards the hotel, guns waving in the hands of the gunmen. In seconds they have surrounded the hotel and are clambering out and running towards their target, aiming to gain entry on the sides and rear, breaking down doors and forcing open windows to climb through.

We strike now.

Windows slide open across the street and lines suddenly shoot out of them, metal tips embedding themselves into the walls of the hotel. Black-clad ninjas festooned with weapons immediately climb out and begin zip-lining across the street, crashing through the hotel windows on the second and third floors. In seconds the hotel is completely under siege, with enemies at every entrance. Crackling gunfire and booming explosions carry through the air throughout the town as its citizens head indoors.

Shit just got real.

geddoe | raijin, † frank castle | the punisher, † booga | n/a, jack bauer | man of the hour, † sheldon jeffery sands | weaver, *in progress

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