Open Log

May 12, 2010 09:46

WHO: Warren Worthington III and OPEN
WHERE: Anywhere in the City; the Institute, All That Jazz, the Park, the sky, patrolling--you name it
WARNINGS: Will update if needed
SUMMARY: Warren just got back from Vegas and has lots of errands and stuff to catch up on. Come bump into him somewhere/anywhere/anyhow I would love CR of the new or old variety. I'm up for sparring, socializing, and even fighting if you'd rather play with the Horseman of Death. Just specify in your subject!
FORMAT: Anything you want! More info under the cut, for context's sake. I would love for multiple threads too, FYI, so just pick a time throughout his day!

[A trip out of state for three days put Warren behind on his usual scheduled activities, so today he'd been working on getting caught up on that. The morning found him at the Xavier Institute, collecting his bills, training, and running through an exercise in the Danger Room.

Later, he found himself walking (and flying) the streets and in and out of various stores and banks. Picking up coffee, especially, was a necessity, especially before he headed to the bar to hang out work for most of the evening.

After that was a mash up of patrolling and hitting up a few more bars here and there for drinks. Warren, being the naturally social creature that he was, had no problem stopping and chatting to people along the way.

The night, as usual, ended very late.]

selina kyle | catwoman, † ema skye | n/a, † rachel grey | marvel girl, † tiana | n/a, † sally blevins | skids, † jean grey | phoenix, † warren worthington iii | archangel, † alison blaire | dazzler, † suzanne "suzi" chan | sway

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