
May 10, 2010 15:37

WHO: Dick (Robin) and OPEN to people at the Tower.
WHERE: Titans Tower.
WHEN: Backdated to last week? GO WITH THE FLOW! There is no timeline.
SUMMARY: Dick was poisoned. He only spends time at the Tower for sad reasons.
FORMAT: Quicklog.

He's not pouting or anything so childish. Nu uh. )

dick grayson | batman, † wally west | the flash, † mar'i grayson | nightstar, tim drake | robin iii, † gar logan | beast boy, *open

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of_animalia May 11 2010, 04:48:33 UTC

[ Gar's come in a little unceremoniously, going for cheerfulness and, likely as not, missing it fantastically. ]

Heard you were around. How's it going?

[ He's got two Coke-a-Cola's, and offers one to Dick with a small smile. ]


goddamnrobin May 11 2010, 13:23:32 UTC
[Dick takes the coke from Gar's hand and sits up, more slowly than he would usually just in case he gets dizzy again.]

I'm okay.

[He doesn't elaborate more than that and shrugs, as if whatever put him in the infirmary was no big deal.]

You? Everything's fine? [He sincerely wants to know -- he hasn't talked to Gar in a while, just like he hasn't talked to most Titans, and he doesn't want to miss too much. And since he's stuck in the Tower for a bit, he can at least make sure he asks people how they are.]


of_animalia May 11 2010, 16:57:52 UTC
I'm okay. [Gar's answer is the same, short and sweet, but he did smile a bit to indicate that he was joking, poking fun at Dick's own answer. ]

[ He pulled up a chair and sat down, cracking open his own soda. ] I got 'ported out for a couple of days. Spent a year back home.


goddamnrobin May 11 2010, 17:01:01 UTC
[He did? Dick looks at him a bit more closely, squinting, and -- he looks a bit different but it could have been a haircut or something.]

You still just look old, [Dick says, obviously joking.] Except you're even older now. Heh.

[He rubs the back of his neck.] How disastrous was that year? [A pause.] Did you remember the City while you were there?


of_animalia May 11 2010, 17:07:36 UTC
Ha-ha. [ A dry not-really-laugh to combat the joke about his age, slipped in behind a drink of soda. ]

It was pretty disastrous. [ He leans forward in his seat and looks at the floor, quickly rubbing a hand over his face. ] And no. Of course I didn't remember anything.


goddamnrobin May 11 2010, 17:17:19 UTC
[Some people do remember. Not a lot but -- Dick is hoping the proportion of people that do is going to go up one day. Possibly.]

You're not furry and animal-y so it could have been worse? [He winces at his own words.] Uh, forget I ever said that. Are you from when Tim is, now?


of_animalia May 11 2010, 19:38:44 UTC
[ Well... Dick did raise a fair point. He wasn't furry, yet. He thinks and shrugs. ]

Tim's still ahead of me. I just went back for the Crisis and the aftermath, basically. Kon's not even back, where I come from.


goddamnrobin May 11 2010, 19:51:12 UTC
[From the way Gar says it, there's apparently something that could be considered the Crisis; it's not just a crisis out of others. Dick doesn't know about it more than that, however, and isn't that curious.]

At least you know he comes back.

[He pauses, and uses the time to open his coke and take a few sips.] Well. Welcome back either way. Uh -- if you're happy you're back. If you wanted to stay over there then it sucks and I'm sorry.

[Another pause during which something else crosses his mind.] Oh man. Does the whole timeline fuck up means you broke up with Kitty?


of_animalia May 11 2010, 20:26:09 UTC
[ He nods at the idea of Kon's living being a comfort. That, unsurprisingly, had been a big part of the downward spiral. To the second point, whether or not he should be glad to be back here... He think on it for a moment and finally shrugs. ]

At this rate... I guess I could have it either way. [ Then he amends. ] Well. Mostly. I don't know.

[ And then, yes, that. ] Yeah. We're... Done. Temporarily. Taking a break. I don't really... Yeah. I don't get it, but yeah.


goddamnrobin May 11 2010, 20:31:33 UTC
[Dick frowns.

He likes Kitty. There aren't that many people here he likes at all, if he's honest with himself, and he got attached to Kitty pretty fast.

He shouldn't be feeling that Gar being ported out sucks because of the effect it's gonna have about whether he's seeing Kitty as often or not, but he does. He's going to say it's because he's still dizzy-ish and can't think straight, but really, it's because he's selfish.]

Temporarily for how long? Did you break up? [He sighs and feels like crossing his arm on his chest. He doesn't.]

This sucks.


of_animalia May 11 2010, 20:42:30 UTC
[ Wow. Dick's apparently really interested in this Kitty thing. Gar can only look a little taken aback, gesturing helplessly in the air in front of him with his free hand. ]

She broke up with me. I... Guess I can't blame her. I don't know for how long and, yes, this sucks.


goddamnrobin May 11 2010, 20:46:51 UTC
[And of course, it's not girly at all to be interested in your friends' relationships. At all ever.]

She's still a honorary Titan. [NO DISCUSSION.]

Is anything else going badly in your life? [He sounds a bit more compassionate, now. It's starting to sound like nothing at all is going well for Gar and it makes Dick uncomfortable.

Because he considers Gar to be his friend, and also because he feels he's missing a lot. (And here comes the guilty feeling at wanting to move back into the Tower.)]


of_animalia May 11 2010, 20:58:49 UTC
[ Again, he thinks. It doesn't take long, though. He's got two exes, one engaged and one utterly confusing, a job that wasn't enough to keep his mind occupied, and, a world away, an unstable dad and a robo-vegetable for a best friend.

Life's good.

He grins, but it's more of a haha-fuck-my-life grin.]

Pretty much everything's shit.


goddamnrobin May 11 2010, 21:20:33 UTC
[If there's something Dick sucks at doing, it's trying to comfort people. He knows he's terrible at anything of the sorts, and if he can avoid coming close to doing anything like that, he does.

Right now, it really feels like he should be saying something to make Gar feel better, but he has nothing.]

And if someone dares say it can't get worse, it's gonna get worse. [He makes a face.]


of_animalia May 11 2010, 21:40:43 UTC
Yep. But... Well, I think I've had plenty of time to learn that it can always get worse.

[ He notices that face, Dick, and raises you an attempt at a comforting smile. ] Don't worry about it, alright? All my crap doesn't have to be anybody else's problem.


goddamnrobin May 11 2010, 21:47:29 UTC
[Dick just... raises an eyebrow at that. Honestly, Gar.]

Yeah well you should also have had plenty of time to learn that when people care about other people, they tend to care when their friends got problems.

You know. Just sometimes. It happens.

It might even be why... [uhmmm, he loses his flow for a second and has to remind himself about what he was saying.] Why you're here. To check up on me 'cause you care.

Or I hope. 'Cause if you're here to take away the DS, I am really not lending it to you.


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