A magic trick, makes the world dissappear

May 05, 2010 16:45

WHO: shes_intense and whoajeezwhat
WHERE: The streets of the City
WHEN: Tonight (May 5th, 2010)
WARNINGS: Punching and sadtiems.
SUMMARY: Brenda and Mark fight some thugs, Brenda gets ported out of the city, Mark watches her go. :(
FORMAT: Paratastic?

Patrol wasn't something Brenda had always thought of as fun. The first few times she had gone out she'd gotten her ass handed to her, come home weary and bruised up, but after a few months help and experience she'd come to enjoy the outings - both as something good that she felt she was doing for the place she lived in now, as as time with people she considered friends.

So when Mark had asked her if she was up for a patrol she'd only teased him a little bit about being a 'too grown up' to run with the newbies for a few seconds before saying yes.

They'd started in the rougher areas of town, wandering the streets, listening out for trouble which it never took them too long to find.

"So, how's your week been?"

And making small talk, of course.

† mark grayson | invincible, † brenda del vecchio | anger girl

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