Apr 23, 2010 19:45

WHO: Hiruma Youichi, Hell Towers residents, YOU??? Lyrics and name aside, both guys AND gals are allowed! ANYONE.
WHEN: Freitag! Tonight! 8? 9? I forgot when I put the time for starting.
WARNINGS: Rated H for Hiruma. Underage drinking, gambling, and all the other fun stuff that an "H" rating implies!
SUMMARY: The MANCAVE is now finished! Time to break it in, party style.

The rec room on the 10th floor of Hell Towers, or The Mancave as Hiruma had lovingly christened it, was finally finished after months of construction. Delays had been few, despite earthquakes and missile attacks. Hiruma found himself still upset as he laid out some of the finger foods he'd purchased for the occasion. He had really liked that girl, and now she was gone, ported out right from under his nose before he had really fessed up to her. Would she ever come back? If she did, would she remember him? Youichi usually wasn't one to mourn for things that could have been, but he just couldn't pull himself out of the emotional hole that had been dug. He was hoping this party would fix that.

The first person to arrive was the hired barkeep, who Hiruma didn't feel like speaking to beyond basic instructions. He had to finish putting together a second pool table before the real guests arrived. Not to mention make sure all the hidden cameras were functioning... after all, no reason to miss out on possibly useful information.

But, for the most part, the mancave was complete. The TV was huge, LCD, complete with a combination bluray/DVD player and a cabinet full of movies next to it. There were extra chairs in addition to the comfortable furniture available and plates of typical party fare laid out on the tables. The walls were, of course, plastered with things Hiruma liked; mostly posters of football teams and players. There was a print of that famous painting of the dogs playing poker. A jukebox in the arcade room was playing lively music and contained everything from American classic rock and metal to Japanese pop. The arcade machines were set to accept quarters as credits; a reduced price tonight of just 25 cents a play!

But in all honesty, Hiruma didn't care if anyone showed up at all. He could have fun all by himself.

Or at least that's what he told himself.

† hiruma youichi | devil ace, † bakura ryou | shiromadoushi, kyosuke kiryu | shinigami, trowa barton | n/a, † saitou hajime | ookami, † habashira rui | chameleon, alastair | hacker, *open, † crow hogan | black bird, † mushanokoji shien | the kid

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