
Mar 25, 2010 01:19

WHO: Tyki Mikk | simplyteasing and Grell Sutcliffe | hesakillerqueen 
WHERE: Noah Mansion!
WHEN: 3am
WARNINGS: Blood and torture.
SUMMARY: Grell turned fabuu and killed some people. Tyki does not like his house to be dirty. Antics ensue.

Dude looks like a laaaaaaaaady~! )

† grell sutcliffe | madame red, † tyki mikk | n/a

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hesakillerqueen March 26 2010, 04:19:41 UTC
As soon as he heard the click of teeth on teeth (and he could taste sweet and fleeting victory on the back of his tongue, like chocolate), Grell grinned, whirling around and lunging in the blink of an eye. He was utilizing all the speed and energy he had left in him for one last desperate attack, all wide oval eyes and white razor teeth painted red from his various oral injuries, locking his fingers in the material of Tyki's shirt - the sonic boom jarred him, but he kept his grip on Tyki and in animalistic reaction, was aiming to rip Mikk's throat out with his bare hands.

"Let us part with a passionate kiss-" He wanted to repeat that line immortalised in his mind from his battle with Sebastian, one of the best nights of his life, wanted to say it again and immortalise this night too - but it almost felt like something was clenching his -

"Heart..." Grell had glanced down, seen it, and the sensation had more or less just sapped his strength. He kept his grip in Tyki's shirt and slumped against him uselessly, pressing his face into the crook of his neck and really enjoying the way he smelled like smoke.

"Don't be gentle, Master Mikk." He grinned ruthlessly, though the impending death he was certain was on his shoulders was worrying him, and he felt his pulse speed up. "Let Romeo steal away Juliet's sweetest last breath." He breathed hotly on the Noah's neck, playing up every little bit of being a shameless tease. If he was going to die, he was going to do it just like he lived.

By making the current object of his affections as painfully aware of them as possible.


simplyteasing March 26 2010, 05:01:11 UTC
He let go of the the organ gently, not quite trying to hurt Grell insofar as make him inordinately uncomfortable now that he had the upper hand again. He couldn't afford to lose control, not yet: though the heart was one of the more durable organs in the human body, any kind of trauma to it -- usually, the Cheating Boy be damned -- tended to result in near-instant death. Which, Tyki felt, would perhaps be too good for Grell and the fool of himself he was making just about now.

"Grell," he whispered low, leaning into the man, his neck arching just so at the play of heat against his skin. "You forget who the master of the house is." Tyki's fingers stretched and splayed, threading themselves around the thing carefully, softly caressing it as though he were handling a lover's breast. "And I've already said that you won't be dying tonight -- not if I have my way. It would be too quick an ending to our relationship."

Tyki cautiously prodded a finger at Grell's heart, hoping he wouldn't go into cardiac arrest just yet. There was so much more he could do to him with his life in his hands like this.


hesakillerqueen March 26 2010, 05:31:57 UTC
In fact, it was making Grell immensely uncomfortable. And this apparent benevolence in sparing his life was really ruining that dramatic death he'd sort of had in mind throughout this entire torturous encounter.

"Oh do stop it," Grell chided in what was nearly a scold, pushing back and regretting it immediately, swaying on his feet but managing to steady himself. He could probably thank his Shinigami endurance for surviving this night so far, but not even that could protect his somewhat more fragile heart in this sort of position. He still managed a disapproving stare - though his weight was really all supported by his grip on Tyki's shirt. "I just can't stand people who can't make up their minds." He gave a weak prod over the area where Tyki's own heart should be, about a moment before Tyki prods his own and makes him grit his teeth, makes him feel like he's been stabbed. Once he catches his breath again, he continues his admittedly light scolding.

"Don't be a hypocrite, it's a loathsome trait. If you're going to abuse me, you can at least act the part, you terrible creature." Out of the romanticism and back into his huffiness. "Pretending to be a gentleman after tonight's antics?" He pursed his lips disapprovingly. "Not even my dear Sebas was that audacious. You're worse than a demon."


simplyteasing March 26 2010, 05:37:41 UTC
"You're lecturing me on hypocrisy?" He perked up an eyebrow, then laughed full in Grell's face, squeezing his heart just so. "You, of all people? Really?" here, his grip became tighter, gained more intent as he tried to pull Grell to his knees by using his heart as leverage. "The irony of that statement is astounding."

He tilted his head, and looked down the bridge of his nose at Grell, fighting the urge to tear out his heart then and there. "I've been nothing but truthful with you, Grell. Nothing but."


hesakillerqueen March 26 2010, 05:55:18 UTC
Grell gently lowered himself to the floor with Tyki's lead, wincing visibly as he settled himself.

"I have never lied to you." He cocked his head, one hand resting comfortably on Tyki's forearm, giving the Noah an incredulous look. "It seems even a creature like you can believe an illusion. I never told you I was the Grell you saw; you simply accepted it as apparent truth!" His own grip tightened considerably, and the expression fell dead from his face, leaving deadpan blankness in its wake. "I never told you I was human. But the fact you couldn't recognize my true nature isn't a terrible surprise; I am a top-rate actress, after all."

What was prompting him to be so forward? Exhaustion, for one, and irritation/frustration/anger at Tyki, for two, and for third, he could really just drop to the floor and kill himself if he really wanted to. Despite death's easy nature, however, he still felt a healthy respect for it and chose to avoid it as long as possible. Still, he now had a modicum of control and it was bolstering him.


simplyteasing March 30 2010, 06:26:27 UTC
"Enough of these theatrics." he stated, voice twinged with only the slightest bit of bemused boredom. He hadn't met a human so eccentric since, well -- since the time he had met the exorcist Allen Walker had saved from the clutches of his White Side. And, sadly for Grell, that was a rather horrific comparison to be brought to mind while in this position of all positions; he tightened his grip on Grell's heart and slowly began to solidify the part of his arm filling the most of Grell's trachea, almost as if trying to strangle him from the inside.

"The fact that you had to hide t his facet of yourself from me is lie enough." Tyki nearly spat, eyes narrowing, all humor falling from his face. "If you can't be both, then stick to the most true and quit pretending. It's disgusting."


hesakillerqueen March 31 2010, 21:49:17 UTC
Grell obliged, mainly because he was more preoccupied with his throat than at being catty - at that moment, anyway. However, the loss of Tyki's apparent bemusement was a very small victory, in Grell's eyes at least - he grimaced somewhat, a bit of confusion in his expression and his strangled tone.

"The theatrics are the best part. Life itself is one painfully brief play, whether a Shakespearean epic or a nameless little street show." He smirked, baring his teeth in the grin. "Don't blame the actress for playing her part so well that not even you could see through it."


simplyteasing April 1 2010, 04:06:23 UTC
He chose not to answer him out of spite, solidifying more and more of his arm until he thought Grell's throat may have burst from it. Hopefully, the man would pass out from a lack of oxygen, seeing as everything from Tyki's wrist to the top of his elbow was now filling his throat, causing it to bulge and distort rather grotesquely.


hesakillerqueen April 1 2010, 04:16:38 UTC
It really didn't take long for Grell to do so, mainly because he'd been talking immediately beforehand. Still, when he woke up (if he did at all), it was safe to say that Grell would be huffy and pissed. And sore, very sore.


We can end it here! simplyteasing April 1 2010, 19:35:03 UTC
Tyki actually left Grell therefor a moment -- having no immediate plan to torture him outside of suffocation -- to go downstairs and look for two boxes of about five hundred or so toothpicks each. This would possibly be Grell's best chance to escape.


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