(no subject)

Mar 25, 2010 01:19

WHO: Tyki Mikk | simplyteasing and Grell Sutcliffe | hesakillerqueen 
WHERE: Noah Mansion!
WHEN: 3am
WARNINGS: Blood and torture.
SUMMARY: Grell turned fabuu and killed some people. Tyki does not like his house to be dirty. Antics ensue.

There were things one did and did not do when in employed in the service of another. Chiefly, the "dos" went something like: serve your master faithfully, do all of your work dutifully and without complaint, and reserve all questions of morality until the bastard was either dead or knee-deep in crocodiles. Tyki had always been a very good servant; had, in fact, spent a few years working as a butler to a noble Spanish Lord, doing his best at whatever was asked of him before being caught red-handed while moonlighting at the world's oldest trade...with the Lord's wife as his sole proprietor.

Needless to say, this was one of the many dont's that Tyki knew of. Another one, he knew, was having the Master catch the servant entering the premises at a rather ungodly hour. Never mind the fact that said servant was also bloodied from head to toe; no, Tyki could deal with that. It was that the svelte frame, the vermilion red hair and emerald eyes, along with...the chainsaw held in Grell's hand were all throwing him a bit off. He hadn't -- well, he hadn't expected any of this. Not from Grell, of all people. Tyki didn't believe that the saying about "quiet people being the most insane," had any validity to it.

"Well, now." He cleared his throat once Grell finished climbing through the window, finishing a drag from his cigarette before speaking. "This was rather unexpected."

† grell sutcliffe | madame red, † tyki mikk | n/a

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