If you have to make friends, make friends with psychos.

Mar 23, 2010 22:33

WHO: Takaya Sakaki and Katurian Katurian
WHEN: Pre-Tuesday March 23rd. Sometime around there.
WARNINGS: enemies arch-nemeses rivals Takaya and Katurian being around one another.
SUMMARY: An awkward but nonthreatening meet-up between two not-buddies. It will be a fun day.
FORMAT: Para to start, then whatever it turns into.

At least you know for sure whether or not they'll stab you in the back. )

katurian katurian | the pillowman, † takaya sakaki | son of nyx

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afeatherpillow March 24 2010, 15:53:04 UTC
Katurian had spent the morning taking care of Joseph Bender, a man who was once dying of the bread plague (and was healed) and was currently dying of pancreatic cancer (which wouldn't heal), although he was in good spirits for missing the former, telling Katurian that when he died, he fully planned to stay dead, thank you very much. He didn't know that Katurian was an import, nor did he know a thing about his history, so the irony was lost on him. Katurian smiled and nodded, but didn't agree - or disagree, for that matter. He still hadn't decided which was better.

The bruise on his forehead was still a yellowish-brown, but he had been back at work for the last five days. There was something comforting about the routine, even if that routine involved staring death in the face. Hospice beat mopping up cow entrails in the slaughterhouse back home, at least.

On the way back from the man's house, Katurian picked up a sandwich to take home with him. He scrutinized the bread, wrinkling his nose, but it seemed good enough, and wasn't he living beyond his years anyway? He popped off the edge of the roll and stuck it in his mouth before dropping the rest of the sandwich back in the bag. There was a homeless man on the sidewalk that he thought of ignoring, but something about him caught in Katurian's peripheral vision. He recognized him.



messiah_maybe March 25 2010, 01:30:03 UTC
It was a long moment before Takaya bothered opening his eyes to see whom it was that had approached him - he'd been tempted to ignore them completely; act like just another homeless man, one of the wasted youth. But there was a chance it was someone who either wanted him dead or was an imPort, and he couldn't take the chance (as much as he'd like to and ignore it all.) He opened one yellowy eye, slightly unfocused and glazed, but he instantly opened them both fully and focused when he recognized Katurian.

There wasn't enough in him to say something witty or sarcastic, not right now. So he just closed his eyes and rested the back of his skull against the brick wall behind him.

"What a curious meeting."

His voice didn't hold the tenor of liveliness it usually did - was flatter with exhaustion, and though his stare was as impersonal and cold as ever, there wasn't as much malice in it as usual.


afeatherpillow March 25 2010, 01:50:11 UTC
Katurian wondered if he should turn the other direction and walk away. He also wondered if he should call the police, because Takaya was dangerous and psychotic and should be locked away until he was gone for good, but Katurian didn't move. Somehow. He didn't reach for his communicator. He just stood there.

"You survived the undead," he said. He was frightened of Takaya, but the other man's exhaustion lulled him into a sense of security, somewhat. His voice trembled only slightly.


messiah_maybe March 25 2010, 02:16:37 UTC
"I managed." He paused here, opening one eye again. "Shadows are more vicious than those shambling wights stricken dumb by their affliction. To assume I would fall to them is insulting." He attempted to put more vigor and insult into his voice to prove this, but it fell flat and he just sighed, moving from a sitting position to his knees in front of Katurian, placing a palm on the brick in preparation of moving to his feet.

"You did as well. It seems, however, that you have come out of it a bit less...worn than I have."


afeatherpillow March 25 2010, 19:23:09 UTC
Katurian said nothing for a while, only turning over Takaya's words in his head, trying to put them into the greater puzzle of Takaya Sakaki's Life. Shadows. Years in the past, the screaming onlookers said that the little boy had become a Shadow. Takaya called Katurian a Shadow (or said he was like one), and the memory had never left him, had thrashed and kicked in his mind for weeks and weeks and weeks. The manifestation of human pain and misery. Takaya had fought them?

He felt the bruise on his forehead, not a little self-consciously.

"Mm," he said. "Well, I did have somewhere to go home to. Not very fond of the MAC, were you?"


messiah_maybe March 25 2010, 19:32:32 UTC
Takya, meanwhile, moved to his feet and leaned against the wall with arms crossed over his chest, observing Katurian closely. He himself was attempting to fit together Katurian Katurian - of course, he tried to fit together everyone he met and had a passing interest in. Katurian was simply one of the two that he had a negative relationship with, though his relationship with Tyki Mikk was much more vitriolic.

"Wanted men most often avoid buildings controlled by the state."

He deadpanned it, still blissfully unaware of Katurian's intimate knowledge of a history he halfway didn't remember himself. "The streets are more familiar a home to me than the MAC."


afeatherpillow March 25 2010, 19:58:50 UTC
His communicator was heavy in the pocket of his jacket. He didn't move for it, but he felt it resting against his side, reminding him that it was there.

"I'd also think," he said, "that wanted men would avoid being seen in public."

Was he threatening Takaya? He wasn't sure. The other man's nonchalance bothered him, especially since he himself could feel every one of his hairs raise as Takaya got up off the ground. Fear and anger and even more fear. Katurian wasn't very good at dealing with murderers.


messiah_maybe March 25 2010, 20:28:29 UTC
Takaya smiled at that, closing his eyes and giving a slight gesture of his hand.

"I'm...far too tired to care at the moment, and my previous accommodations within the City are full of men who would wish to see me dead...or worse. I believe one of them mentioned something about admiring the color of my eyes - and promising to take them as souvenirs, once he was done with me." He gave a dismissive noise in his throat. "If the authorities come for me, I will simply kill them." He cocked his head, still smiling wearily. "I would have assumed you knew by this point in time, Katurian Katurian."

He was perfectly aware of Katurian's authoritative advantage over him, and briefly considered murdering him to keep him quiet. But keep what quiet? That he saw Takaya in this part of the city, when he could drift off long before they would find him? No, murder was too much effort - right now it was too much to bother with.

"What will you do, Katurian?" He queried casually. "My specialties are murder and disappearing into thin air. I am no ghost, but I am close."


afeatherpillow March 26 2010, 00:27:47 UTC
That was it, then. It was obvious that Takaya thought Katurian wasn't much - if any - danger, and he was probably right. Katurian wasn't a fighter. He wasn't even a good snitch.

What would he do?

"We're both ghosts," he said. The use of the word 'both' was deliberate, although it was toxic on his tongue. Carefully, he dug through the plastic bag he had with him and removed the sandwich he bought just minutes earlier. Without fanfare, comment, or smile, he tossed it to at Takaya.

Pity was what he hated. Pity was what he'd get.


messiah_maybe March 27 2010, 03:54:32 UTC
Takaya caught the sandwich without fumble, giving an odd glance down at it and then at Katurian. His eyes narrowed, turning into yellow slits.

"I am very tangible." The last person to call him a ghost had been dead not a half minute later, but he wasn't to that point yet. He was experienced in senseless murders, but this wasn't the Dark Hour, and being reckless would be certain suicide. So he would settle for disdain. "Is this some attempt at benevolence? You have said it before; if it were up to your decision, Katurian Katurian, I would be dead."


afeatherpillow March 27 2010, 04:34:17 UTC
He liked that Takaya narrowed his eyes. It was a reaction. Something.

"Except it's not my decision." He spread his arms as though casting off all responsibility, letting them fall again a moment later because he felt too vulnerable otherwise, especially in Takaya's presence. He swallowed. "You're staying here until the Porter finds it necessary for you to walk with the dead again. So to speak. What's stopping me from being civil in the mean time?"


messiah_maybe March 27 2010, 04:53:40 UTC
He listened, somewhat intently now, setting the sandwich down carefully on the closed lid of a dumpster - he really never cared for being careful with where he put food, and he wasn't even sure he'd eat it or not, despite being famished.

"Common sense." In an effort to intimidate Katurian, to gain control of this situation again and to redeem this small slight upon him, Takaya nonchalantly placed his hand on the handle of his revolver. He wouldn't fire, but he would intimidate. If he could, if Katurian wasn't aware of his slight hesitance, in any case. "Morality. The fact that you loathe me and all that I stand for. Or perhaps naivety. Stupidity. Whatever prompts a man to pity a killer; a man that would take his life with no hesitance."


afeatherpillow March 27 2010, 14:01:39 UTC
Katurian was a man who was weak one moment and strong the next. He'd flinch away from blows (the threat of blows), but withstand torture, if necessary, screaming but without compromising what he believed in. Without giving in. When he saw Takaya touch the gun, his mind startled and he thought about all the memories he couldn't afford lose, but then he calmed himself, he said: Stand your ground. He won't kill you. Not yet.

He tried to act like he hadn't seen it.

"So what if I lack common sense," he said. "So what if I'm naive. You come out better for it, don't you?" He smiled wryly. "Unless that's the problem."


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