If you have to make friends, make friends with psychos.

Mar 23, 2010 22:33

WHO: Takaya Sakaki and Katurian Katurian
WHEN: Pre-Tuesday March 23rd. Sometime around there.
WARNINGS: enemies arch-nemeses rivals Takaya and Katurian being around one another.
SUMMARY: An awkward but nonthreatening meet-up between two not-buddies. It will be a fun day.
FORMAT: Para to start, then whatever it turns into.

Takaya was...well, he wasn't great, but he was still surviving. Y'see, when you choose a particularly nasty area of a city - let's say the slums - and you mark it out for yourself, you tend to piss off whoever else had had that area marked off for themselves before you even showed up. Like gangs. Takaya, being Takaya, refused to play nice and leave and instead chose to be an absolute fucking thorn in their side.

He'd since wandered away from that area and into a safer one, stalking down the sidewalk and finding something warm and comfortable - an alley. Alleyways invoked something near fond childhood memories, living in them - it's part of the reason he spent so much time in them. The other is to keep out of sight, and if one were to ask, remaining out of sight was the only reason.

He couldn't afford to be human.

He sank down at the mouth of that alley, near some sort of building - he didn't know or care what it was - and slumped against the wall, closing his eyes for more than a blink for the first time in...a day or two? He's not terribly imposing physically, but his mental endurance wasn't anything to sneeze at. Hopefully a useful effect of Hypnos, but he wouldn't have put money on it. He didn't really even care whether or not he was in plain sight at the moment - just a rest, he needed a quick rest and then he could go back, find some condemned building to house in for a few days, and then move to another. This was nothing aside from routine for him, of course - had been for the past three or so months.

He does smile at the thought, however, because it brings back a particular dramatic memory. Jin spitting "Take a good look! This is how we live." and dropping off of a bridge pseudo-suicidally a minute later, Takaya in tow. It was an amusing recollection, yes, but Takaya brushed it away quickly. He lived only in the present, neither regretting the past nor fearing the future.

katurian katurian | the pillowman, † takaya sakaki | son of nyx

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