WHO: Tabby, Cable, Skids, any other X-Force or X-Men who are jumping in on the action
WHERE: X-Force's base
WHEN: Let's say today (unless I've missed something)
WARNINGS: craziness, angst, chracter death/deportation
SUMMARY: Tabby's crazy and angry and a little lost and she's taking it out on X-Force.
FORMAT: starts with massive para, then probably quick
Tabby is pacing up and down the streets, trying to figure out what she's going to do.
Her world view's never been the most stable of things, but ... ever since that thing with Delirium, the world's been shifting in the strangest of ways. At first, it was just stupid little things. She'd put her socks away with her belts or call some stranger Bob instead of Bill or something. Nothing important, really. And if every so often, she started seeing things that weren't there out the corners of her eyes, little movements and sparks of danger, well. she figured that if she just kept going, that would go away like anything else. She was probably just tired.
Only, nothing stopped and it's just been getting worse. She's been trying so hard to keep the pieces pulled all together, but the harder she grasps, the faster they slip away. She can't remember things now, can't remember what her parents looked like, can't remember who Caliban was or why he even mattered to her, can't remember why those things are important, even though she knows they are. Even worse than losing the past, though, is losing the present. She's seeing things more and more often, and not only in the corners of her eyes. She almost blew up a kid playing peewee baseball in the park today because she thought he was a Pterrorist coming at her with a taser-bat.
God, Nextwave really screwed everything up. Maybe that's when this whole mess started. She's pretty sure that she was more lucid back before all the training and the brain... stuff. Whatever it was that they did to their heads.
Did they do anything to their heads? Tabby wrinkles her nose and runs a hand through her hair, trying to remember... but she really can't. She does know that she's been blacking out. The last time it happened, she was in the shower one moment, blinked, then found herself standing in an alleyway with scorch marks all up and down the walls and the smell of burnt hair drifting around her. That was pretty much when she'd decided not to go back to X-Force.
Only she's standing in front of the base right now and how the heck did that happen? How does anything happen? Maybe... maybe nothing happens at all.
Tabby giggles as clocks all over the place start ticking louder and louder. This is all just a crazy dream. That's it. Just a dream.
If she wakes herself up everything will be okay again... right?
But why pinch yourself when you can light things up?