we're born kinetic [open]

Mar 15, 2010 05:23

WHO: Ryan and anyone else. So, OPEN.
WHERE: Ryan's dance studio.
WHEN: Monday, March 15th. Either noon to 3 (Intermediate) or 3 to 5 (beginner). :]
WARNINGS: I'm going to be using weird-ass dance terms that I don't always explain. Fair warning.
SUMMARY: We're having a dance party, guys. And by that I mean that Ryan kind of. Gives his address out to ( Read more... )

† troy bolton | hoops, † sally blevins | skids, † shockwave | n/a, † mog | n/a, † ryan evans | goldenthroat, † shawn spencer | psych-man, † alison blaire | dazzler, *open

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Comments 119

shawnedium March 15 2010, 14:23:38 UTC
Shawn promised that he was going to do this and so he was there not in spandex or tights, thank you. It was more like clothes for the gym which was acceptable and manly. Still, he was taking a dance class and not even sleeping with a guy made him feel this gay before. He also might just be sour in general, because of the whole torture thing and still recovering from that spell.

"Ryannnn. I hope more people come, because I am not ready for Dirty Dancing yet," Shawn welcomed himself in with an exaggerated gesture of his arms.


mistermoogle March 15 2010, 15:39:36 UTC
There was no way Mog was passing this up. Not knowing any better, he was in his standard fare of clothing, which while not perfectly suitable, suited him well enough! Ergo, the Moogleman followed Shawn in, looking up at him curiously as he heard a style of dance he'd never heard of.

"What's dirty dancing, kupo?"


yayashton March 15 2010, 22:04:43 UTC
Ryan turned down the radio and grinned, "There's always more people than I expect in my classes, honey, so I wouldn't worry. We're not learning the mambo either, we're learning jazz."

With one smooth and graceful movement, Ryan stood and brushed some imaginary dust off of himself.

"But first you'll both have to stretch or you'll pull a muscle."


bet_on_bolton March 15 2010, 17:25:08 UTC
Troy's decided to make an appearance more so to support his canon-sharing buddy than to have any actual urge to join in with the dance classes. It's not that he was doing a Chad or anything, because he did dance, he just... didn't always appreciate being taught in public when he kinda tripped over his own feet a lot. For an amazingly talented athlete who rarely puts a foot wrong, it was amazing how clumsy he got for any dance number.

BUT HEY, here he is, skidding across the nicely polished floor in his retro sneakers and going for miiiiiiles which should defy gravity or something but Troy is apparently a master at skidding. Idek. And he's even joining in with musical number playing because even Troy can do awesome impressions of Sharpay valley girls, "Omiiiigod, omigod you guuuuys!"


yayashton March 15 2010, 22:10:45 UTC
It was kind of ridiculous how much Ryan missed plain old musical numbers. That's partly the reason he was glad to be in a show and partly the reason he gave dance lessons. Even if the people here learned much slower than he was used to. So he set aside the rest of his salad (not much) and stood up. Imitating Sharpay (and yeah, his Delta Nu girl impersonation was based on his Sharpay ones) came second nature to him.

"Looks like Elle's gonna win the prize!"


bet_on_bolton March 15 2010, 22:29:18 UTC
"If there ever was a perfect couple, this one qualifies!"

Since Ryan's been around, Troy's found it a hell of a lot easier to sing without being stared at oddly. Not many others get the enjoyment from music quite like the musical crew do. Now if only they could get a few more of them, the might manage to persuade the whole city to start singing along. But for now he's content with just messing around in a dance studio and acting like Sharpay.


yayashton March 15 2010, 23:00:55 UTC
"Omigod you guys!"

Ryan had been trying to plan how the whole City could be turned into a musical, but he always got distracted and the plan got shoved into the back of his mind. He was okay with just little bouts of musicality, like the silliness they were producing now. Because really? Seeing Troy in high heels was going to be totally priceless.


Intermediate kthnx idateforsupper March 15 2010, 22:19:59 UTC
Alison had been busy lately, but today she made a little time in her schedule to pop by Ryan's studio and check out the classes he had going. Alison stepped into the room, watching closely and grinning. Oh, she loved this guy, and he certainly knew how to work it!

"Honey, I'm impressed." she called as she stepped further into the room. "Mind if I watch?"


yayashton March 15 2010, 22:55:16 UTC
Ryan looked up from where he was helping students and grinned. "Not at all! People watching gives the class a taste of what their upcoming performance is going to be like."

Turning to the class he told them to take a quick break before walking over to Alison. "I'm alternately excited and nervous for that."


idateforsupper March 15 2010, 22:58:03 UTC
"Is that so? You guys look like you're doing awesome!" she complimented. "You must be some teacher."


yayashton March 15 2010, 23:08:34 UTC
"I'm always nervous for performances! I mean, teaching dance is pretty much all I did back home in between learning dance but it's still weird to know that people I taught are going to be performing, you know?"

With a murmur, Ryan produced a water bottle and opened it before taking a sip. His students were used to weird little things like that happening because Ryan didn't think too much about them anymore.


Beginner!!! prettymorlock March 15 2010, 23:41:19 UTC
Sally has been wanting to take dance classes for nearly forever. As a kid she'd been put into gymnastics when all she wanted to do was tap dance. She walked into the studio looking like a teenager straight out of the 80s; black leggings, pink leg warmers, a too long pink shirt that draped off one shoulder, she had it all.

She set her bag down and did stretches while waiting for the class to begin. Stretching was good, right? She seriously hoped she wasn't going to be the oldest one in this room.


yayashton March 15 2010, 23:57:10 UTC
The weird thing was that Ryan honestly didn't find the outfit weird. People showed up to his classes dressed in everything from jeans to tutus. It was kind of amazing what some parents thought dancers wore. Ryan? Ryan was just wearing clothes. Today it was a t-shirt and some looser jeans. Dancing in tight jeans was kind of a pain.

Seeing the girl sit and stretch, Ryan walked over. "You're going to want to focus on your legs. Dance pretty much makes all the muscles in your legs scream for oxygen."


prettymorlock March 16 2010, 00:14:48 UTC
"Okay. Focusing on the legs," she smiled, and did just that. The beam had been her focus in gymnastics so her legs were worked quite a bit. She had a feeling entirely new muscles would be awakened in this class. "I am so happy that I saw your post about dance classes on the Network. I have been wanting to do this forever."

She glanced around the room. "And I've never done this before so hopefully I don't go sliding across the floor and smashing into walls." Which could technically could happen because of her slippery force field.


yayashton March 16 2010, 00:38:07 UTC
Dance and gymnastics were fairly similar, but even with that there would probably be places hurting that she wasn't even aware she'd had. Ryan shrugged.

"Dance is pretty easy and the good thing about me teaching you is that it's pretty hard to cause an accident. I tend to catch people with the music if they seem like they're having trouble. I try not to do that too often though, or no one learns anything."


notsoloyal March 16 2010, 07:54:43 UTC
Shockwave couldn't remember why he was here. Yes, he had mentioned that perhaps, perhaps he might show up one day and watch. Certainly not dance, despite the mention that he should take lessons... And that maybe Soundwave would like that.

He was not going to learn to dance for Soundwave. No way, no how.

So why was he here? There were more important things to do than stand around and watch. This music was going to give him a headache, he just knew it.


yayashton March 16 2010, 08:08:07 UTC
The stereo switched over to something else that was oddly inappropriate for the moment Ryan looked up to see Shockwave standing around awkwardly. After a glance to the stereo and a moment of thought spared to wonder if it was broken in some way, Ryan waved and acknowledged the fact that yes. Shockwave was standing in the dance studio and possibly having some sort of mental crisis.

"Hi, Shockwave. I wasn't actually expecting you to ever show up. Are you just here to watch or did you actually decide to take lessons for your boyfriend?"


notsoloyal March 17 2010, 00:53:37 UTC
Songs these days were so... He couldn't even come up with a decent enough word for them. They were hardly classical, that was all. If things called for it, he could tolerate music, but it was not a passion or something he really cared for.

And had that stereo been sentient he would have told it off.

The scientist raised a brow at Ryan's question, how many times had he mentioned...

"I am not going to learn to dance for Soundwave."

If the communications officer asked him to, then perhaps he'd consider thinking about it. If he was lucky.

"And he is not my... boyfriend."


yayashton March 17 2010, 02:23:05 UTC
The stereo was sentient in a certain way, it had been told earlier to play "suitable songs." Unfortunately, Ryan supposed he had forgotten to tell the stereo what the songs were supposed to be suitable for. That was, of course, the problem with oddly specific powers - they didn't always do what you wanted them to.

"Do you prefer the term significant other?"

Ryan's lips curved into the trademark smug (and somewhat insufferable) Evans smirk. One of these days, Ryan was probably going to get killed over something stupid that he said. Hopefully, that day was not today though. He had a class to teach.


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