Just call my name and I'll be there

Feb 27, 2010 20:24

WHO: Yukina, Hiei, open to Kurama, Kazuma Kuwabara and Yuusuke Urameshi
WHERE: Outskirts of the park
WHEN: Friday night, roughly 20 minutes after this, when the remaining injured are heading off to the hospital and Laura's friends are talking things out with her
WARNINGS: Bloody background imagery/references to violence that happened earlier
FORMAT: Third person quick paragraph

Yukina had used her abilities to heal a number of the injured people who had been misfortunate enough to run into Laura/X-23 (she still wasn't sure what the correct thing to call her was - but the girl's friends had called her Laura) while she was still on her violent rampage. Others had been taken to the hospital, and it was only now that she realized exactly how close she'd come to being killed.

As it sunk in, exactly how much energy she'd burned off healing others hit her like a tonne of bricks. She was shaking, and her body felt heavy. She leaned up against a tree, only noticing other people's blood all over her kimono now. A grim reminder that this had all been real, and not just a terrible dream.

† yukina | frost, † hiei | n/a, † yusuke urameshi | n/a, † kuwabara kazuma | n/a, † shuichi minamino | kurama

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