Log; Ongoing

Oct 05, 2009 19:43

WHO: Karla, Ammy, and Kitty
WHERE: Out and about in the city.
WHEN: Evening 10/5/09.
WARNINGS: Violence and probably language
SUMMARY: Karla is using the power swap as an excuse to job some place.

Sometimes, you just had to go into business for yourself. )

karla sofen | moonstone, † kitty pryde | shadowcat, † amaterasu | hana yamato

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jewpryde October 6 2009, 03:59:38 UTC
Kitty was walking home from Bruce's place after a hard day at work when she saw it-- someone phasing through the wall of a jewelry store. For a second she was shocked. She didn't know any VILLAINS in the city had powers like hers. Sure, a few heroes did, including Selina but... what was going on? As an X-Men and defender of justice, there was no way she could just let this go.

Just when she was going to phase in after her, this mystery person smashed through the roof. Okay-- a villain with phasing abilities AND super strength? What the heck was going on here?

"HEY, THIEF," Kitty called, walking up towards the top of the building on what looked like invisible stairs. She had put her bag down on the street first (and her new laptop, of course, because if that got broken HEADS WOULD ROLL) before moving again. "Yeah, that's right-- I saw that. Not a very slick exit, though. I give it a 6.5 out of 10!"

God. Didn't crime EVER sleep?


canbleadernow October 6 2009, 04:03:16 UTC
Karla rolled her eyes. She did not have time for this. She should have definitely pulled the heist in another City, there were far too many heroes in this city. And now it looked like the dead X-baby was going to try and stop her.

"Go save a kid with gills and mind your own business," Karla said, raising her hand and firing one of her gravity blasts at the girl.


jewpryde October 6 2009, 04:18:01 UTC
What... what did that even mean? That was a ridiculous evil villain thing to say. This person really need to work on their lines, take a page out of Magneto's book-- something. Kitty phased, obviously not letting herself get hit with the shot. She would show her what phasing was all about.

"Catwoman is going to be SUPER pissed when she finds out you're stealing her schtick," Kitty launched herself at Mystery Thief, aiming to punch her right in the face, "and TERRIBLY, I might add!"


canbleadernow October 6 2009, 04:22:28 UTC
When the girl lunged at her, Karla just laughed, phasing into intangibility. There was a chance that the girl might connect with her since they were both able to become intangible, but Karla knew she had the advantage since she wasn't just a one trick pony like the girl.

"If I don't care about what the law says, why should I care about how that bitch feels?"


jewpryde October 6 2009, 04:32:40 UTC
Kitty jumped back-- this was absolutely futile. They were just going to smack each other around while intangible and nothing would come of it. Is this what people felt like when they were fighting her? This was SO aggravating!!!

"If you don't care about what the law says, then what's with the mask?"

She needed a plan. If she knew more about who she was fighting, maybe...


canbleadernow October 6 2009, 04:44:14 UTC
"Because I care about being hounded and thrown in prison," she said, rolling her eyes. Honestly, it's no wonder this girl was dead.

"You know what? Let's expedite this so that we're not both just swinging at nothing..."

Flying over to a rooftop she grabbed an air conditioning unit off the roof and threw it at a couple waiting to cross at a light.


jewpryde October 6 2009, 04:54:41 UTC
Kitty barely had any time to react. She was off the roof and practically hugging the confused couple to phase them with her only seconds before the air conditioner hit. Instead of hitting them, it hit a lamp post and practically exploded into thousands if tiny pieces upon impact.

"Unlike YOUR knockoff powers, I can make people intangible by touching them-- sorry about that folks," Kitty apologize to the couple who looked white with fear, "-- it looks like you can't even imitate powers right."

There was a silent bitch tacked onto the end of that, that went unspoken.

"I'm going to find out who you are, anyway. How many people know how to phase? Not that many. Give it up."


canbleadernow October 6 2009, 05:39:30 UTC
"I don't know, if you guys have a club then I'll have to apply for membership," she said. "I just got these this morning, but they're certainly fun. As for knockoff powers..."

Laughing, Karla smashed in the side of a building and grabbed the two people inside that were sitting in on the couch, one in each hand.

"I bet you're a one trick pony. Phasing and that's it. Now, let's say I throw both of these people as hard as I can in opposite directions... do you have any flight or super speed abilities that you could catch them both?"


jewpryde October 6 2009, 05:48:10 UTC
She hated this bitch so much. So, so much. That building, already shaky, looked on the verge of collapsing. Luckily, people were starting to run out of it.

Or... unlucky.

"Apparently you're only good at throwing things at people so, pot meet kettle. Now that we've both acknowledged each other's powers, why don't you just put those nice people down and face me?"

One eye was kept on the people in the building. Shit. This was not good. She was going to have to get in there to make sure everyone got out okay. What ever happened to the days of regular people committing crimes?


canbleadernow October 6 2009, 05:53:33 UTC
"Really? Because this seems like a power to me," he said, aiming a blast at the building and firing at it. With any luck, the whole thing would collapse.

"And, sure, I'll put them down," she said, smirking under her mask. She had really missed not being the one to save people.

"Him," she said, holding up the guy before flinging him high into the air and as far to her right as she could.

"Will go down there and she?" holding up the girl Karla gave her the same treatment, only tossing her the opposite direction. "Can go there. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to take off now."


jewpryde October 6 2009, 06:07:22 UTC
There was no way she was going to be able to save those people. It was one of the downsides that came with the job-- you couldn't save everyone. But this woman was going down. And she WOULD save the people in the building. Kitty would make sure of it.

Kitty was on top of the building again at speed that had to be pure adrenaline, watching as the woman threw the girl to God knows where. Kitty would pray for them, she really would. Go to synagogue for the next three Saturdays and really pray. She launched herself at the thief again, this time with her whole body weight. It looked like she was going to punch her but instead, Kitty reached up for the thief's mask, hoping to phase it with her. Kitty just wanted to know the face of the woman she was going to beat the crap out of at a later date.


canbleadernow October 7 2009, 03:12:14 UTC
Karla saw her chance, if the girl was going to try and punch her she would have to be solid, which meant she could be hit with something. Laughing, she flew backwards and fired several more blasts at the girl. Even if they missed, they would hit something and do some damage.

"Nice try," she mocked, shouting to the girl as she flew higher. "But I think you need to go be a hero now. You can't catch me anyways."


jewpryde October 7 2009, 03:20:54 UTC
Kitty had no choice but to let the thief get away since the building she originally had hit was now on fire and people were panicking, as they tended to do in these situations. Not to mention one of the blasts caught her off guard and she was sent hurtling towards the building next to it. The land was not a pretty one.

Sometimes, she thought painfully, being a hero kind of sucked.

But she would find out who this woman was, through any means possible. And then she was going down.


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