
Aug 20, 2009 18:19

WHERE: random locations in Central Park.
WHEN: August 20, early afternoon.
WARNINGS: Not anticipating anything.
SUMMARY: Heero's taking a walk and a breather after days of sitting in front of his computer. He has a book with him, and will be either walking or sitting with it on a bench. Come bother him.
FORMAT: Starting with para, but quicklog later if you like.

It was still something of an unfamiliar feeling to just be going for a walk on Earth. Despite the hectic nature of the City, there must still come measure of peace to be had in the sprawling park right at its heart, which was why Heero had gone there for his short breather. The only other time he'd had the chance for such a measure of tranquility that he could remember was when he and Quatre had taken a brief refuge in the Sanc Kingdom after escaping Barge, but that respite had been fleeting and, later, marked by the bitterness of the Kingdom's fall.

The park was crowded, but it was also large enough not to feel cramped. Unlike the close quarters of the space colonies and the, albeit reassuring, tightness of his cockpit. Indulging in a stretch, Heero glanced up at the sky, shielding his eyes from the sun, and allowed himself to just breathe for a few minutes with the sun on his face and the breeze in his hair. After spending days in front of the artificial glow of his laptop and in the dim lighting of the hangar, alternating tracking through the byzantine data codes they'd taken from the North Korean base and performing maintenance on his Sentinel-Wing, the sun and the sky were a welcome change. The plan was to spend a few hours here, walking, maybe jogging, reading, and essentially allowing his mind to take a break before plunging himself back into the investigations.

calvin | stupendous man, † heero yuy | zero, *open, *in progress

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