(no subject)

Jul 09, 2009 12:29

WHO: Heero Yuy/Zero & Viral Sassoon
WHERE: Some out-of-the-way location at the edges of the City.
WHEN: July 9, around 7pm
WARNINGS: Paranoia and BS about giant mecha technology because both muses top their muns at this stuff.
SUMMARY: Viral and Heero meet up to exchange some information. Conversation and other shenanigans may follow.
FORMAT: Whatever works? :Db

Heero had arrived about half an hour earlier than the scheduled meet-up time to thoroughly scan the location for any surveillance equipment or other security risks. His tags had been left behind at the Wingboy's apartment, and his gun was a comforting weight at his back; Heero didn't think he would be needing it today, but there was no such thing as being too careful. Especially right now, when he still had little to no idea as to how things worked in this place. It wasn't that he wasn't used to being at such a disadvantage; no, he, like all the other pilots, was more than used to enormous odds being stacked against them, but Heero wasn't used to the sheer unpredictability that this place, with its alternate worlds and timelines and superpowers, presented.

Nevertheless, the revelation that mobile suits-- or something very similar-- existed in other worlds had piqued his interest in a different way. There was no doubt that he had agreed to the exchange with Viral, a virtual stranger, for the purposes of determining potential threat levels, but also because in some way, Heero Yuy was interested in a personal way. Statistically, if there were other worlds-- many other worlds-- out there, it was not too surprising that one should possess similar technology to his. It was, however, another thing to meet a pilot of another world's mobile suit and given the opportunity to see just how similar, or difference, their counterparts were. Despite himself, Heero found himself curious.

Having found nothing that could potentially compromise the meeting, he settled against a conveniently-placed lamppost to wait. He flicked through the comm one last time, eyes skimming over the latest posts before tucking it away. He was concerned about the "monster" that had appeared so dramatically, of course, but he was also certain that there was very little he could do in his present state. Focus. Concentrate on the courses of action he could carry out.

The disk containing the blueprints of a standard Leo suit sat unobstrusively in his backpocket. Five more minutes to go.

† viral sassoon | n/a, † heero yuy | zero, *in progress

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