man, that homie's lingo is way whack | complete

Jul 09, 2009 04:18

WHERE: From Italy to a bar to X-Force HQ.
WHEN: July 6th, because I fail.
SUMMARY: It's their one month wedding anniversary, so they fumble through awkward relationship things.

DOMINO (1:30:35 AM): [Domino is wearing not that hideous of clothing, but it's totally 90s probably. SHE APPROACHES]
CABLE (1:30:46 AM): LET'S GO.
DOMINO (1:31:22 AM): Where are we going? Or are you still for springin' a surprise on me?
CABLE (1:31:35 AM): Tonight we're going some place nice for once.
DOMINO (1:31:44 AM): Really.
CABLE (1:32:04 AM): Trust me on this one.
DOMINO (1:32:19 AM): I hate when you say that.
CABLE (1:32:28 AM): [SMIIIILE.] Shall we teleport?
DOMINO (1:32:54 AM): [Stares] Teleport, huh?
CABLE (1:33:21 AM): I rigged up a device. Stay close to me.
DOMINO (1:34:05 AM): Right.
CABLE (1:35:08 AM): [Presses button. Feels like saying BODYSLIDE BY TWO, but that doesn't work here. They teleport instantaneously half-way around the world to an alleyway in Italy.]
DOMINO (1:35:52 AM): [Graahh that feels kind of familiar. Domino looks around, trying to figure out where the hell he took them.]
CABLE (1:39:17 AM): Italy. [He answers, LOOKING SMUG.]
DOMINO (1:40:30 AM): [B|, her face responds.] Right, and where to now?
CABLE (1:40:55 AM): A nice restaurant down the street for some authentic Italian food.
DOMINO (1:42:06 AM): Let's go then. [This outta be something.]
CABLE (1:45:29 AM): [Or at least very entertaining. Wordlessly, he leads her down the cobblestone street to the restaurant and opens the door for her.]
DOMINO (1:47:17 AM): [She walks in first, eying the place and trying not to be so difficult about this. He's trying, they're trying.] Heh. Nathan, you do surprise me sometimes.
CABLE (1:49:11 AM): It's what I do. [Ho, ho, ho. He stares down the maitre'de who fumbles with his book and says something in Italian that's frantic and hurried. Cable nods and the man gets two menus and motions for them to follow him. He shows them their table by the window. A perfect view of the beauty of Italy.]
DOMINO (1:50:32 AM): [There's a lot that can be said about this, but Domino just chooses not to go there right yet. Maybe now that they're far away from everyone they know, they have the possibility for a normal evening.]
CABLE (1:52:46 AM): [Sometimes, Cable is socially retarded given that he grew up in a Post-Apocalyptic future. He looks through the menu, huge hands practically covering the pages. He glances up at Domino every other minute, lightly scanning her mind.]
DOMINO (1:54:45 AM): [She knows he's scanning her mind, which does give her opportunity to be a brat. Still, she looks over the menu and tries to make a choice. This place is really not their scene.]
CABLE (1:55:56 AM): [Don't make him probe you harder.]
DOMINO (1:56:17 AM): [Puts down the menu.] Problem, Nate?
CABLE (1:56:45 AM): [HUFF. He glances at the menu. The boy doesn't like admitting defeat.] Nothing.
DOMINO (1:57:30 AM): [She leans over a bit.] It's something.
CABLE (2:00:25 AM): No, it isn't.
DOMINO (2:01:02 AM): Oh, okay. If you say so. [Stubborn lout.]
CABLE (2:01:58 AM): [B|] I heard that.
DOMINO (2:02:15 AM): [8)] I know.
CABLE (2:04:15 AM): [HMPH.] Find anything?
DOMINO (2:04:33 AM): [Smirks.] Have you?
CABLE (2:05:28 AM): [LOOKING.]
DOMINO (2:06:18 AM): Heh. [Oh, she knows what's up now.]
CABLE (2:07:37 AM): What?
DOMINO (2:08:15 AM): Oh, nothing. [She can be a jerk too.]
CABLE (2:11:47 AM): [Puts the menu down.] What.
DOMINO (2:12:37 AM): [Grin.] You don't like it here.
CABLE (2:13:27 AM): It's a beautiful place. [Hrmph.]
DOMINO (2:14:05 AM): But? [Come on Nate, just admit it.]
CABLE (2:15:10 AM): [ROLLING EYES AT YOU.] It's not us.
DOMINO (2:15:40 AM): What was your first clue?
CABLE (2:16:13 AM): You.
DOMINO (2:16:56 AM): [ Making this face 8|] Then why come here?
CABLE (2:17:24 AM): [BLAH face.] It's our one month anniversary.
DOMINO (2:17:42 AM): [8| Silence. He actually said it.]
CABLE (2:18:07 AM): [GONNA KEEP TALKING.] I feel like something more...spicy.
DOMINO (2:18:37 AM): Spicy, huh? [Okay what's he up to now.]
CABLE (2:20:07 AM): Do you want to get some chicken wings?
DOMINO (2:20:31 AM): Yeah, I do. [Well, they tried!]
CABLE (2:21:16 AM): [OH WELL. Cable sighs. FRUSTRATED. And leaves the table. The maitre'de looks worried.]
DOMINO (2:22:43 AM): [Domino stands up after him. She follows, actually grabbing his hand for a change and pulling him towards the door. Leaving is a good idea. That maitre'de can live with it.]
CABLE (2:24:41 AM): [Hand holding! He squeezes her hand gently and follows her out like a good wife.]
DOMINO (2:25:29 AM): [Don't get too happy there, Nate. It probably won't last.] So where to now? Any ideas?
CABLE (2:30:23 AM): Home. [TELEPORTTTTT to seedy alley.]
DOMINO (2:31:55 AM): [What a quick trip. She hates teleporting sometimes. It tends to put her off axis, even if she should be used to it. And oh jeeze they're still holding hands.] Well, then. I know a place.
CABLE (2:33:32 AM): [Cable loves teleporting. It's easy. It's quick. He's done it so many times that he's unfazed by it.] Oh?
DOMINO (2:34:33 AM): Yeah, come on. [Be fast Nate, or she'll end up letting go of your hand.]
CABLE (2:35:58 AM): [HE'S FOLLOWING. Jeez.]
DOMINO (2:37:42 AM): [She takes him a bit down the street. And Jesus this neighbourhood is sketchy, but that's okay. Domino's been down here a million times before. By herself, with Shatterstar and maybe even some other people she's met around the city. She pulls Nate into this bar at the end of the street. It's loud and it might be a bit wild, but she knows they'll actually fit in.]
CABLE (2:39:39 AM): [Cable isn't afraid. He's a bear. He lets her pull him along until they arrive at the bar, and he could use a cold drink too.] Romantic.
DOMINO (2:41:44 AM): [ She snorts at the word before letting go of his hand. She gestures to a table and takes a seat quickly after. ] Well it's not Italy. [Teaassing youu.] But it's something, huh?
CABLE (2:43:05 AM): It's...appropriate. [Smiiiile and sits down.]
DOMINO (2:44:09 AM): We've been in worse places. [ She tilts her head as a waitress approaches. They sure know how to do anniversaries.]
CABLE (2:47:20 AM): [The waitress is sleazy and old, but it makes no difference to Cable as long as he has food. He orders a plate of hot buffalo wings and beer and she runs off to give their orders to the cook. He turns to Domino, reaching for her hand again.] Better?
DOMINO (2:48:41 AM): You tell me. You were more uncomfortable than I was. [This hand thing is getting to be a habit.]
CABLE (2:49:02 AM): [He likes this habit.] Tonight is your night.
DOMINO (2:50:15 AM): Not just mine. [Little smile]
CABLE (2:51:01 AM): Are you planning something? [Ho, ho, ho.]
DOMINO (2:51:16 AM): [B|] We'll see where it goes.
CABLE (2:53:27 AM): [Smiiiiirk.]
DOMINO (2:55:00 AM): [She rolls her eyes. Is he going to be an idiot? Probably.]
CABLE (2:57:05 AM): [Meanwhile, a big biker jerk is checking them out and looking might suspicious. Cable watches him out of the corner of his eye.]
DOMINO (2:58:40 AM): [Domino doesn't notice and just gets happy when they're served with drinks. After her adventure with Warren, she figured she wouldn't touch the stuff for at least a week, but here they were.]
CABLE (2:59:32 AM): [Cable can handle his alcohol better than Warren. Don't expect to be fishing him out of trees in the morning. Cable takes his eye off Biker guy and goes for his beer, telekinetically popping the cap off. Biker guy is eyeing Domino now and making his way to her.]
DOMINO (3:01:29 AM): [She doesn't expect that, she just has irritable memories of that night. Before she can say anything further to him, biker boy is leaning over her shoulder and whispering something. Yeah, this isn't going to end well.]
CABLE (3:02:57 AM): [Cable stands up, obviously pissed off that Biker Guy is whispering to his lady.] Is there a problem?
DOMINO (3:04:13 AM): Nope. [Domino pushes Biker boy away by the face. Idiot.]
CABLE (3:07:16 AM): [BIKER GUY DOESN'T LIKE THIS and growls, grabbing Domino's wrists and trying to turn her around. Cable pushes his chair back and makes the table shake with his ANGERRRRR. Telekinetically, of course, since he's not Rictor.]
DOMINO (3:10:00 AM): This reallly isn't going to work out in your favor, pal. [Because seriously. Just go away. Domino turns around in her seat after he doesn't listen, easily decking him without any trouble.]
CABLE (3:12:02 AM): [Biker Guy's friends see the punch and immediately get all up in Cable and Domino's business. Biker Guy, himself, is pissed off and rubbing his face while glaring daggers at them. He swears, calling Domino a whore, calling Cable a bastard, and all Cable does is telekinetically pull Biker Guy's pants down, revealing his Looney Tunes boxers.]
DOMINO (3:13:03 AM): [Domino stands beside Nate, her arms folded as she looks jussst about as impressed as he does. Yeah, the machismo in here just rose to about 9000. Lucky them.]
CABLE (3:17:03 AM): [Biker Guy isn't happy and his friends aren't happy either. All of a sudden, they start throwing punches left and right. Cable looks at Domino, smiles at Domino, and joins the fray.]
DOMINO (3:19:11 AM): [And she grins right back. They can never have a normal night out, but that's okay. This is normal for them. Domino's got her own little injured Biker boy coming right for her. So determined that he can take her out. Even if things didn't fall into place for her, knocking this idiot over required barely any movement.]
CABLE (3:20:35 AM): [He didn't need to take out the big guns for these brats or even use his TK. He swings his large arms, right hook, left hook, uppercut, and knocks them all down like dominoes. Every now and then, he sneaks a glance at Domino and watches her fight effortlessly. He admires her technique, her passion, and fire in the battlefield even in a dingy little bar.]
DOMINO (3:22:22 AM): [She's reminded of her huge brawl with Shatterstar, which ended in a lot of broken face on purpose. Not this time. She flips and avoids, then punches and hits. Easily her targets fall down and she's standing on a couple of drunken bodies.]
CABLE (3:23:50 AM): [And most of the guys are done. The bartender is yelling at them from behind the counter and waving his arms, motioning for them to get out before he calls the police. Cable casually brushes off his shoulders and reaches for his half-empty beer bottle to take a lonnnng drink.]
DOMINO (3:25:59 AM): [Domino folds her arms as she waits for him. Bear. But a quick roll of he eyes, a punch to one more idiot and then she's gesturing for Nate to follow.]
CABLE (3:26:50 AM): [He throws the bottle over his shoulder and follows Domino into the night.]
DOMINO (3:27:58 AM): [She's outside waiting for him, brushing off her clothes. And this is why she hates putting on dresses. But the rush of fighting is still going through her, so happy times all around.] Enjoy yourself?
CABLE (3:29:18 AM): I didn't get the buffalo wings.
DOMINO (3:30:34 AM): Well now it's your turn to pick a place. [She pushes her hair out of her face. Fights are yay.]
CABLE (3:32:23 AM): [HRM.] Home.
DOMINO (3:33:57 AM): Fine. [She says with a slight roll of the eyes.] Let's go. [If this ends in him asking for a sandwich, she might kill him.]
CABLE (3:34:54 AM): [He admires your erotic sandwich making skills.]
DOMINO (3:36:18 AM): [Oh shut up Cable.] So. Teleport, or are we actually going to walk?
CABLE (3:37:26 AM): [FINE, WHATEVER. He teleports them right to base. It's quiet and dark and they are standing in the middle of their dance floor. Well, beside the pool.] Happy now?
DOMINO (3:39:03 AM): [If only she would push him in.] Are you?
CABLE (3:39:37 AM): It should have been a romantic evening, don't you think?
DOMINO (3:41:22 AM): Do you really think we're capable of that?
CABLE (3:44:18 AM): No harm in trying. [Irony.]
DOMINO (3:45:33 AM): Was it really what you were hopin' for? [ 8| ]
CABLE (3:46:04 AM): I... [Hnnnnng.] I was hoping to impress you.
DOMINO (3:46:44 AM): [Stares.] You don't need to.
CABLE (3:46:58 AM): [BEAR. BEAR. BEAR. He looks away.]
DOMINO (3:47:57 AM): Nate. [Steps closer, grabs his hand like that one time in Cable 26 when their eyes were animeish. ] Is something bothering you?
CABLE (3:50:06 AM): What we are now. [~GAZE~ He hasn't been married since...well, he never thought he would again.]
DOMINO (3:51:45 AM): [Relationship talk, fuck. Domino never thought she'd be doing this again either. And it wasn't like her first marriage was much of an example.] Well if I remember correctly, we're...[trails for a bit] married.
CABLE (3:55:34 AM): We are, and I'm...OK with it.
DOMINO (3:56:02 AM): [8| ] It was your idea.
CABLE (3:56:50 AM): We were drunk.
DOMINO (3:57:36 AM): Yeah, I remember.
CABLE (3:58:47 AM): I want to know--no, I want to hear you say you're OK with it too.
DOMINO (4:00:02 AM): [She pauses for a couple minutes. Is she okay with it? She actually hasn't given it much thought. Stupid.] ...I am.
CABLE (4:03:01 AM): [DUHUR FACE.]
DOMINO (4:03:23 AM): [8| face. This is AWKWARD.]
CABLE (4:03:49 AM): [Whatever. He pulls her into his arms and ~kisses her.]
DOMINO (4:05:03 AM): [It figures. This kiss is a little different than previous ones, and maybe it's because they had an actual talk. Even if it did last only ten seconds.]
CABLE (4:06:04 AM): [They can say a lot in ten seconds, OK?]
DOMINO (4:06:37 AM): [Obviously, because mwah~]
CABLE (4:09:32 AM): [He pulls back and grins before picking Domino up and throwing her over his shoulder caveman style.]
DOMINO (4:10:46 AM): Nathan. [She really does hate him, you know.]
CABLE (4:11:21 AM): [He chuckles and doesn't listen to her warnings. Instead, he just carries her to their room.]
DOMINO (4:12:03 AM): [ She can kill you in your sleep, Cable.]
CABLE (4:12:19 AM): [They won't be doing much sleeping tonight.]
DOMINO (4:13:23 AM): [There's always tomorrow. If she remembers. ]
DOMINO (4:13:42 AM): [That's MIND RAPE]
CABLE (4:13:52 AM): [Not if it's consensual.]
DOMINO (4:14:48 AM): [She'll let it slide for now. If only because that fighting was just so much fun. ]

*complete, † n/a | domino, † nathan summers | cable

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