Meet Again

Jul 07, 2009 00:38

WHO: Duo Maxwell/02/Shinigami, Heero Yuy/01/Zero, Quatre Raberba Winner/04/Sandrock, Trowa Barton/03/Nanashi
WHERE: A discreet streetcorner --> Wingpartment
WHEN: July 5th, night (backdated)
SUMMARY: Heero is back! Yaaaaaay. The Wingboys gather once more.
RATING: Shouldn't be above PG? Maybe -13 if Heero punches someone, idk.

It was a bit surreal, to be perfectly honest. The past few weeks had been a veritable revolving door of friends, in and out, in and out, beginning and ending with Heero. In the end, it always came down to him- on a mission, and even here. Duo supposed it was fitting. The one and only...

He snorted a little, and let a small grin creep up his lips as he passed through and out of another streetlamp, failing to cast a shadow and stopping a moment to admire and marvel at his powers before stepping forward again. Another block or so to the rendezvous. Heero wouldn't know what hit him! Duo snickered to himself. Okay, so this was probably a bad idea, it would probably get him punched and Heero would be mad, but-

-just like old times. Something about that made him smile more warmly than usual. He was pretty sure he was more than ready for things to feel like old times again. This place was really stressful.

Ah, there he was- being what he liked to call "inconspicuous", and which Duo liked to call "stuck out like a green thumb". Tank top and all... Duo cracked a grin and slowly approached him from the right flank, careful not to disturb any pebbled or trash on the ground, a stealthy trickster Shinigami. He couldn't block out his body heat, so he'd have to get as close as he could without Heero feeling him. Stopping just about a foot away, Duo stopped, carefully leaned over as he made himself audible and whispered into Heero's ear........


† duo maxwell | shinigami, trowa barton | n/a, † quatre winner | sandrock, *abandoned, † heero yuy | zero

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