
Jun 04, 2009 00:33

WHO: Tank Girl, Atsuko Jackson
WHERE: In a department store that Tank is breaking into, for shits and giggles.
WHEN: Urrrr, sometime this weekend?
WARNINGS: Could be anything, given that this is Tank involved.
SUMMARY: Tank breaks the law - what else is new - but this time she's breaking it in front of law enforcement officials.
FORMAT: Whatevs

The boys are alright, but the girls are even better )

† tank girl | n/a, *complete, † atsuko jackson | whiplash

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frobocop June 4 2009, 05:46:12 UTC
As the weeks piled up, Atsuko found herself taking more late-night shifts, patrolling alone more and more often. At this point, she had to admit, it wasn't really patrol so much as it was her walking around at midnight with a gun near one hand and a cup of black coffee in the other. But that was alright by her, as stopping crime had never been Atsuko's primary concern. The important thing about the work was that it gave her something to do, and that kept her from going crazier than she already was.

It was disgusting--the coffee, not the gun--but the bitterness and the sudden heat helped to lend her little walks an extra sense of purpose. Especially here, where it still could get so goddamn cold. A vacation might be nice, sometime, except that it would only remind her of what she'd lost. She'd looked at the maps a month ago and confirmed her suspicions; Brazil was a hollow shell. Some of the landmarks were the same, sure, but the cities had different names, and the people who matteredHuh. Look at that. Somebody appeared to be busting ( ... )


grenadeball June 4 2009, 22:45:25 UTC
Tank just started to whistle an Iggy Pop song as she walked in - she hadn't even heard the coffee cup dropping, or 'You have got to be shitting me' coming from behind her.

Then she switched over to whistling the Jeopardy theme.

She still held the brick in hand, just looking to break shit inside, just because. Because she was fucking bored and she hadn't done this in so, so long, that it ached.


frobocop June 4 2009, 23:03:08 UTC
Taking her whip out, she moved in a little closer to the criminal, but not close enough to get within earshot. The thing had gotten easier to control over the last few weeks, so she was reasonably confident that this would work; she hadn't strangled anyone since that first poor bastard, anyway.

She sent the lash shooting out to snake around the brick Tank was holding, then she yanked the handle back. Might as well get rid of the weapon first.


grenadeball June 4 2009, 23:07:17 UTC
And then Tank just looked - sort of lazily, really - at her brick. Well, her hand that no longer had a brick. Sad, really. That brick was ready for some goooood smashing.

Then she turned back around, lighting up a cigarette as she did so.

"Mind telling me exactly what the fuck you think you're doing?"

Once lit, she blinked a few times. Then smirked.

"Oh wait, I know you, don't I? You're, uhhh.... uhmmm..."

Biting her lip over it.

"Fuck, I am terrible at names..."

She didn't seem terribly concerned that she was about to be attacked, or possibly arrested.


frobocop June 4 2009, 23:30:04 UTC
"Atsuko Jackson," she said. The whip kind of pulled back and curled in on itself, like it usually did when she was finished, and the brick fell on the ground a few feet away. She felt like adding "Sergeant", but given that there were about ten fucking people on the police force it wasn't that impressive.

She looked familiar, too. It was, what, the girl from that video on the plane wing? The one who had a bar. She hadn't struck her as a bad person, but Atsuko didn't have any excuse for ignoring it. It wasn't that she personally cared whether some woman broke into a department store in the middle of the night, but this was her job, and she had to do it. And she was breaking in with a brick, for Christ's sake; that level of subtlety was a little insulting.

"That's what I should be asking you."


grenadeball June 4 2009, 23:37:01 UTC
"Oh yeah! You're the hot Brazilian!" Tank shot back, rather straight forward. She turned her head back to the smashed glass, rather nonchalant about it.

"Me? I'm fucking bored. I don't need any money or anything from here... I was just gonna fuck it up a little for shits and giggles."

Didn't seem to really mind detailing her entire motivation to her.

"So, what are you? A cop?"


frobocop June 4 2009, 23:56:28 UTC
"Yeah," she said, completely ignoring the "hot Brazilian" remark. "You just do this sometimes?"

She glanced at the damage that was already done, raising her eyebrows. Shits and giggles? Sounded like Michiko.

And that wasn't a good thing.


grenadeball June 4 2009, 23:59:45 UTC
"Usually, I actually do a shitton more damage. I own a tank, after all. But I did want a whole supersquad on my ass, which I would undoubtedly get for that."

Tank let her hips sway side to side, letting her tongue hang over her lips.

"So, I'm guessing, you're not just gonna let me roll free with this."

"Which, I guess, means we're fighting?"

Tank shrugged, cracking her neck and assuming a boxing position.

With a devil may care smile on her face.


frobocop June 5 2009, 00:39:51 UTC
"I don't usually give a shit," she admitted, "but you can't just walk away when it happens right in front of you."

The flippancy was beginning to piss her off. The whole thing was pissing her off, actually, and with her luck the woman probably had ridiculous powers and could kick her ass easily.

That only made her want to fight more, honestly.

"So I guess we are," Atsuko said, narrowing her eyes and tightening her grip on the whip's handle. Pausing.


grenadeball June 5 2009, 01:02:31 UTC
"Sure you can. Hell, I could just bribe you." Tank said, rolling her shoulders now, getting even cockier.

"Lemme tell you why I'm gonna win."

"I'm crazier than you."

And Tank went a-chargin' headfirst, ever mindful of that whip.


frobocop June 5 2009, 03:09:19 UTC
"I'm not that kind of cop," she said, placing one hand on her hips. If she wanted to play the game, hell, Atsuko could play it back easily. She knew how to be cocky and loud; it was practically a requirement and never mind, fuck that, the bitch was coming right at her.

She hissed through her teeth, moving sideways in an attempt to duck out of Tank's path, and kicked hard in the direction of her shins.


grenadeball June 5 2009, 03:15:18 UTC
There was something of a cracking noise.

It seems Tank didn't even bother to dodge the kick.

She just grinned.

"That was a pretty solid kick!"

Followed up with a right hook coming in straight for the jaw.


frobocop June 5 2009, 03:21:37 UTC
She tried moving when she saw the fist coming, and maybe she did succeed in avoiding some of the impact, but for all intents and purposes? It hit.



"Thanks," she half-gasped as her head snapped back, going for a knee to the ribs. Her whip was uncurling of its own accord, but unless she wanted to strangle someone (and she didn't, though she might in a few minutes) it was useless at such close quarters.


grenadeball June 5 2009, 03:24:53 UTC
Tank seemed to have a very strange strategy.

Let them hit you.

Then use their close proximity to fuck them up.

As the knee came hard into Tank's ribs, she sucked in air - then whipped her skull forward, looking to hit Atsuko with a quick headbutt.


frobocop June 5 2009, 03:39:19 UTC
In the simplest terms, Atsuko took the hit and fell flat on her ass. What the hell was with this woman? She was taking everything she threw at her and ignoring it. Atsuko knew she could hit hard, but she was reacting like it was nothing.

She lashed a leg out at Tank, hoping to trip her up, then tried to pull herself up to stand. If she could get some distance between them, the whip might actually be of some fucking use.


grenadeball June 5 2009, 03:43:42 UTC
Nuh-uh, she wasn't going to the ground - was gonna stay on her feet for this fight.

Too bad it'd take a couple more seconds for her kneecap to get back up to optimum.

So instead, Tank just sidestepped, backing off, keeping her arms moving.

"Seriously, you could just let me roll on free from this. Or, hell, we could go get a drink."

Still not taking this seriously.


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